Chief Eagle Feather via Galaxygirl #crackpot #magick #ufo
Hou. I am Chief Eagle Feather. Watcher from above. Moccasins on the ground, on the soft earth of the mother. Heaven hears you. All warriors are important in the battle. All have different positions. Some sneak attack. Some lead in front. All fight. You are fighting, mighty warriors. You are fighting and you are strong. You are strong enough for this battle. Many say it is not a battle but a separation. A tearing. As old skins tear and separate, all is exposed underneath. (He is showing me splitting leather pants and a bare bum. He is laughing.) All is exposed. It is not the time for levity but all warriors once in awhile need to laugh. For lightness of heart is the path to healing. Heavy hearts sink like stones under water. Light hearts skip like rocks over a still pond. I feel a heaviness within many reading these words.
I am Chief Eagle Feather. Gaia is morphing. You are are morphing. The great flash approaches. Dance to the beat. Darkness is being illuminated. All is being revealed, in good time and in quick time. (He is dancing with me and I am filled with light and joy. We look into the lake together. It is deep and black.) It is the lake of your past life memories, your portal to the Akash. (We dive in and it is not dark at all, but a vast chasm of memories.) Warriors, you can be afraid of your memories or you can love them. And transmute them. And heal them. Which do you choose? (We dance in the void of the lake and I see I am surrounded by my ancestors, and past versions of me. Chief Eagle Feather and I are in the center of a vast circle, and we dance spilling out light in circles so that the entire lake is light, and beyond is filled with pinpricks of stars of future experience.) Warrior, the light transforms all. You are not alone. I am available for dancing lessons. (He smiles. He bends down and puts ash on my cheeks, my forehead, my shoulders.) The marks of one who has seen the darkness and made peace with it. You are ready.