As if Big Mouth weren't dependent enough on shock value, this musical adult Web series struggles to get a theme of redemption (in which demons who were humans are invited to stay at the titular hotel to be cleansed of their sins so they can go to heaven) past its using shock value and sacrilege as a crutch. Protagonist Charlie is the princess of Hell and lesbian daughter of Satan/Lucifer himself (and Lilith, a demon from the Jewish religion who is his wife in this universe), and her three main costars are either gay or lesbian as well. Adult language (including swears against Heaven) is used in rapid fire, as is the real-world drug "Angel Dust", which is also the name of a gay pornographic actor-turned-demon included among the protagonists. As of the end of 2019, only one episode has been released, and Wikipedia has customarily given voice only to those who positively received it.
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