Various TERFs #quack #transphobia

RE: TIM regrets transition.

(GynyHappyPeople )
He expected to pass and for the medication to alleviate his dyphoria. He doesn’t pass and it didn’t help, and now his mental illness is visible and obvious.

He feels he’s been encouraged into a neurosis that’s just made his underlying mental condition worse.

Improving mental health care is a much saner approach than trying to convince the masses to accept that a person can change sex.


Yeah. Taking cross sex hormones and getting plastic surgery to look somewhat like the opposite sex is a bit like getting a forehead tattoo that says "I AM MENTALLY UNSTABLE".

Transition honestly feels like a cruel lie being sold to gender dysphoric people. They will NEVER be the opposite sex. They will never 100% pass; most don't even pass most of the time! What's the point in encouraging Gamestop ma'am to go on HRT or use female pronouns? It's just allowing people to make a laughing stock of themselves...

I don't get guys like him. He seems like he's close to realizing that sex changes are not possible and that the trans cult grooms people into believing the lie that sex changes are possible and will make your life like heaven on earth.

But he can't take one further step into accepting he will always be a man.

It feels a bit like he's trying to get people to tell him he's too ugly or mannish to "successfully transition". He keeps mentioning "if he passed"... I mean do they seriously not realize that the supermajority of TIMs will never pass? He has to have actually seen some TIMs, like does he think Bruce Jenner passes? Even, say, Blaire White with the small statute and innumerable surgeries basically reads as an effeminate gay men to most.



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