Ted Gorsline #racist realjewnews.com
There is a fantastic story on the Veterans Today website by Gordon Duff who as usual gloms on to other people’s videos. It’s must viewing and the first video of the three confirms everything Bro Nat has been saying about Trump and the Jews.
The story is called “Breakthrough Case For War with Israel over 9/11!” It’s a must watch.
The very first of the three videos proves that just as Bro Nat has said, Trump is mired deep in Jewish doo doo. The swamp of which he speaks is a lot cleaner.
Trump is truly mired and standing on his tip toes in a Jewish sewage lagoon with foul smelling liquid already up to his nose, and hoping Bibi or Sheldon or Bloomberg or Chuckie Schumer or Diane Feinstein or Harvey Slimestain or any of the many other Hebligans don’t come roaring up in a motor boat and make a wave.
VT has included diagrams showing just how Israel, the Jewish state, or in other words the Jews did 9/11, thus formerly declaring total war on the United States (almost 3,000 dead), Canada (160 dead), and Britain (60 dead) by attacking these thousands of their innocent citizens in the World Trade Center.
The attack on America was a cookie cutter repeat of Pearl Harbour in its intensity and death toll, but fortunately the Pearl Harbour attack did sprout a workable template that can now be used against Israel since it did work on Japan. Just do whatever works. No need to make a new plan.
The template is this.
1) Nuke Tel Aviv and Haifa instead of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
2) Bomb Israel into rubble until it resembles Hiroshima, Dresden or Syria.
3) Occupy Israel for 70 years and put all the Jewish leaders on trial accoring to standards set by the Rothschild family in their castle at the Nuremburg Trials.
4) Starve to death millions of Jewish soldiers as was done to German soldiers at the end of WW2.
5) Round up and put in concentration camps everyone in the Western world that has an obvious loyalty to the savage Jewish war machine, beginning with well known personalities such as Wolf Blitzer and Christina Anampour.
6) Make baseball Israel’s national sport (It became Japan’s National Sport following WW2) to keep the Jews busy while the land is returned to its rightful Palestinian owners.
7) Set up Indian reservation-type accommodations for the Jewish People on the melting Ross Ice Shelf in Antarctica allowing them to live in tepees and come and go from the reserve on the same basis they now apply to Palestinians.
In other words treat Jews the same way they treat other people. Applying Jewish values to Jews ought to work.