Even if Dr. Hovind WASN'T a doctor that wouldnt mean he doesn't have the righ to run C[reation]S[science]E[vangelism]... Also, any TRULY open-minded, educated person who is not arrogant or ignorant will admit that Dr. Hovind's degrees are legitimate.
I understand his "dissertation" is incomplete, pointless, and generally pathetic, substandard by any academic gauge.
You're right, he doesn't have the right to run anything with the word "science" in it, so why do you people let him? Oh right, idiots, got it.
1. Take a piece of paper.
2. Write the following phrase on it, "Me is Doctur"
3. Frame it and hang it on a wall.
4. Go by the title "Doctor."
Now, any truly open-minded, educated person who is not arrogant or ignorant will admit that your degree is as legitimate as Mr. Hovind's doctorate.
After some serious thought, I think I should go by Dr. to increase my credibility. I have talked to people with Ph.D's, and have also drank Dr Pepper on many occasions. So anyone who claims that I am NOT a doctor is a closed-minded jerk who would probably cry about the credibility of "Dr" being diluted if everyone used it. You probably PAID and did serious hard work for your Ph.D if you believe this. Sucker.
His PHD is not from a accredited institition or recognized as a legitimate PHD by any accredited organization. He could have just printed up a fake diploma and he'd be just as legit as he is by taking that fake course.
An educated person would have looked into this before calling anyone else arrogant or ignorant for stating the fact that Hovinds diploma is fake.
As for running the CSE, of course someone with a fake PHD can run a fake science site that publishes lies, ridiculous assertions and bullshit challenges.
"Even if Dr. Hovind WASN'T a doctor that wouldnt mean he doesn't have the righ to run C[reation]S[science]E[vangelism]..."
- A well trained chimp could run CSE and it would be just as effectual as it is now.
"Also, any TRULY open-minded, educated person who is not arrogant or ignorant will admit that Dr. Hovind's degrees are legitimate."
- A PhD indicates that someone can demonstrate expertise in their field and contribute original contributions to the field which can pass peer-review and are available for public inspection. Mr. Hovind's "school" has refused allow access to his dissertation at Mr. Hovind's request, so it is not available for public inspection. This is a clear violation of academic standards. More important is the fact that the information which is available suggests that Mr. Hovind's dissertation is not original, makes no contribution to his field (whatever that may be) and would never in a million years pass peer-review. Thus, where Mr. Hovind got his "degree" isn't as relevant as the fact that the evidence suggests it signifies absolutely nothing.
But then, as a creationist I expect that you are not impressed by objective evidence.
A diploma mill does NOT give out legitimate degrees.
Oh, and here is a summary Kent Hovind's leaked dissertation for anyone who wants a good laugh. You can get the entire thing on WikiLeaks .
He has the right to run whatever stupid company he wants, as long as he follows laws and regulations.
In order to have a legitimate degree, you have to have been studying at a legitimate research institution. Then you have to write a doctorate dissertation, detailing an original idea of your own, which must be accepted by certified examiners.
Any TRULY open-minded, educated person who is not arrogant or ignorant will respect the time and energy it takes to become a real doctor, and won't get a fake doctorate in a diploma mill.
The only people who are qualified to "admit" whether Hovind's doctorate is legitimate or not are certified examiners. Let's ask them, shall we?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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