So much wrong in this article, especially the implication that David Stewart is resident in the USA.
"I am not anti-Semite in any way" Bwahahahha
"I am 100% against the false doctrine of religious Zionism. America does not belong to the Jews, it belongs to the citizens of the United States" Zionism is the doctrine of a return to Israel
"Tragically, prominent Jews have usurped control over America's newsmedia, Hollywood, The White House, Congress, the Central Bank, and just about everything else too" Rupert Murdoch is Jewish? William Randolph Hurst was Jewish? Barack Obama is Jewish and doesn't that interfere with his Islamic faith? Congress isn't controlled by AIPAC, just money. The Central Bank (presumably The Federal Reserve) Yellen - Jewish, Daniel Tarullo -not Jewish, Jerome H. Powell - not Jewish, Lael Brainard - not Jewish.
"It's because certain occult Jews in key positions of power and influence control the money and government" Ah, the "occult" Jews the ones no-one but paranoid kiddie fiddlers know about because shaddow magic
"Anyone who has followed Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton during their campaign trail, has witnessed them both worship the Jewish elite and Israel in an effort to get elected," Interesting how Obama and Clinton have been more critical of Israel than any other mainstream politicos since the founding of that rogue state.
"It's disgusting" or to put it another way "There's a *@gg~£ in the White House and he ain't serving the coffee!!11!1"
Romans 2:11 - let's look at the context
<blockquote>2:10 But glory, honour, and peace, to every man that worketh good, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile:
2:11 For there is no respect of persons with God.</blockquote>
"There's not a more immoral group in America than the creeps who own and operate Hollywood" - I think most of the mega-Churches and the Roman Catholics have Hollywood beat hands down, even some of the minor preachers indulge in kiddie fiddling.
"There's something very suspicious going on when the names of hundreds of Hollywood actors are changed to HIDE THEIR TRUE IDENTITY" Almost as if there is some prejudice against those with Jewish names - I WONDER WHY
"Even a brief sincere study of Freemasonry will quickly reveal it's roots in the Jewish Kaballah and ancient occult mysticism" utter and complete bollocks, despite the claims of some Masons the history only goes back to the 17th century and the non-Christian symbolism it uses is a load of garbage as well.
"This group is commonly referred to informally as "The Illuminati" today" - This group is commonly refered to as paranoid fantasies by sane humans