I can spot a transvestite most of the time. They have a certain distinct look about them. They resemble the Rocky Horror Show. It's quite easy to spot a shem (she, him). I tell you, transvestites are some of the most miserable people in the world. I gave one a gospel tract and you could see the contempt and loneliness in her (really a him) soul. Jesus is the last name they want to hear.
Only in so-called civilized societies do people seek sex-change surgery. You'll never find such insanity in poorer, primitive cultures where men and women still mate and live together as husband and wife. Sadly, Colorado has become the sex-change capital of the United States, of all places.
"I gave one a gospel tract and you could see the contempt [...] in her (really a him) soul."
Somehow, that really doesn't surprise me, David J. Pedoman.
His self-professed obsession with spotting "transvestites" reveals what a crazed, hypocritical pervert he is. How often do you wonder about the shops going 'Oh! Look at her, I bet she's got a willy. I wonder how big it is.'*
The second paragraph is factually bankrupt. There are transgendered prostitutes in the Muslim world.
I find it depressing that there are people who need things to be simplified down to two small boxes. Biology being as complicated as it is, there are always going to be people who are, for lack of a better word, variant. Smart, dumb, tall, short, autistic, transgendered, schizophrenic.
* Why am I imagining that being said with an English accent?
You can spot one? In a partly Asian country? You're lying.
Also wrong about no trans people in "primitive" cultures. Two-spirits, shamans, etc.
"I can spot a transvestite most of the time."
...you've fapped to a certain character in the videogame "Guilty Gear", haven't you Davey-boy? Then only realising when it was too late...! [/Dropped A Bridget On Him] >:D
You would never need to bring up the subject, otherwise...! [/Freud]
Also, Thailand. One word: Ladyboys . NEXT!
@Old Viking
"Transvestism and sex change are entirely different subjects."
Unless his need to... raise the subject has raised another red flag about his own repressed urges.
He would never need to bring up the subject II, otherwise...!
You don't KNOW about the ones that you couldn't spot, so your claim is invalid. Also, I've been the same sex all my life, and I would certainly look at you with contempt if you handed me a gospel tract. Trust me on that.
There is a goddess for them, and they are Muslim Hijras too,and they live full, happy lives you child raping SON OF A BITCH!
Shit like this....shit like this makes me lose my cool, I'm sorry.
Transvestite =/= transgender, kiddydiddler.
What about women who dress as men? How do you combine "he" and "her"?
Anyone who is forced to accept a tract from a fundie would probably look at the fundie with contempt.
Besides, there isn't a single person in the Western World, over the age of 12 or so, who has never heard the name "Jesus" before.
Only in so-called civilized societies can people afford to have sex-change surgery. In poorer, primitive cultures the focus is on survival, not well-being.
People still mate and live together as husband and wife in my country...
Yes, when they resemble any transvestite in the Rocky Horror movie they have a distinct look to them. Even the cult crowd showings at Halloween reflects this, it's not even about a guy convincingly trying to appear like he's a woman, it's about getting a freak on of many sorts.
Now the trangenders on their way there, you've probably mistaken them for real women, especially since it's not about slutting it up for most them.
I can spot a transvestite most of the time.
You realize that this implies that you spend a lot of time looking for them, right?
I gave one a gospel tract and you could see the contempt and loneliness in her (really a him) soul.
That is a common reaction to gospel tracts, no matter who you give them to.
Well, between ranting about Taylor Swift, women in pants, feminism, old TV/movies, and constructing a million websites all saying the same things, he's a busy pervert. There's only so many hours in a day after all.
Pervy Davey claiming he has "trans-dar". Plus not knowing the difference 'tween transvestite and transsexual.
How stupid can one be? Oh wait, this is Davey we're talking 'bout here!
I can spot a transvestite most of the time.
Unless you check if every person you see is a transvestite or not, this statement makes no sense.
Oh, and transvestites=/=transsexuals.
@Wanderer: I guess, it's just that considering who we're talking about, I expected him to be an experienced sex-tourist, or at least well-read on the subject.
@ #1893509
"How often do you wonder about the shops going 'Oh! Look at her, I bet she's got a willy. I wonder how big it is.'"
Probably about twice a week, on average, since you ask.....oh wait, that was a rhetorical question? Then never mind [sound of rapidly-retreating, embarrassed whistling].
Regards & all,
Thomas L. Nielsen
"I can spot a transvestite most of the time."
Still embarrassed about those times you got it wrong, huh?
transvestites are some of the most miserable people in the world.
Almost as miserable as those who go online and constantly piss and moan about Taylor Swift, women wearing pants, or 20+ year old movies.
I intensely dislike how OP tries to paint transvestites with a massive brush (yes I know Deuteronomy 22:5 gets thrown about fucking often) and makes the erroneous assumption that all go into transition eventually.
I smell projection here however. Specifically of misery and loneliness. It takes that kind of person to post such rants all the time.
(And I thought Jenner already did us enough damage.)
“I can spot a transvestite most of the time.”
Most? How the fuck do you know?
What can you possibly use to measure your accuracy? Do you ask them if they’re transvestiates when you identify one? Because you might be getting positives just on women that aren’t quite as feminine as you demand.
And there’s absolutely no telling how many you miss because they ‘pass.’
I’d love to see you actually tested in an experiment, but if you got less than an 80% you’d probably claim the test was part of Satan’s agenda.
It’s a ludicrous claim, Davey, and a ludicrous topic to spend any time on.
There’s only one person on the planet i have sex with, thus the internal plumbing of everyone else on teh planet doesn’t really matter.
“I gave one a gospel tract and you could see the contempt and loneliness in her (really a him) soul.”
Really? You see a person and just by their looks you decide you know their relationship with God and judge it to be suboptimal. And when you offer the solution to this malady, they dislike your efforts?
I believe you detected contempt. I don’t believe it was towards your god or anyone else who wasn’t in the room at the time.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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