I thought god gave us free will and that's why he doesn't stop evil things to happen? Seemingly not, he just messes and hurts us whenever he likes so he can use us for whatever he pleases. What a horrifying, evil entity that would be.
So god allows evil to happen, just so people will become dependend on him? And you applaud it in the face of such victims!?
Yeah, Chad, you're a despicable subhuman cunt. Go throw yourself in a woodchipper.
I think we've been used by enough people already without your bastard version of God getting involved. But if people like me are being "humbled" when we were terrified to even breathe without permission and praying - I mean I actually did used to pray to God for things to get better even though I couldn't believe what was in the Bible I was that desperate - that tomorrow staying quiet and still won't "provoke" anything harsher than the routine reminders of who was in charge then why are the abusers being emboldened to the point where they think they are right to decide life and death? There was nothing more arrogant than my stepfather until he broke when I *stopped* being frightened, compliant, and humbled. Prideful, arrogant, monstrous, self-absorbed monster that he was he was rewarded every day for his evil while I slowly went insane and nearly become a heartless monster myself. What lesson did God want me to learn then, shithead? Rebellion is salvation? Don't believe anyone that tries to put the "fear of God" into me? Those who demand absolute and unquestioning obedience are less than nothing without it? Or that God simply favours the cruel and the sheep are led by a butcher instead of a shepherd.
Yet you'd rebuke a human father who decided to let a child be beaten or raped in order to break their spirit & make them easier to control.
Or at least I hope you would. Headlines & fundie posts (your own included) suggest otherwise, however.
So you should be glad that's all you got.
Cry and God will give you something to cry about.
Say, "Thank you, sir, may I have another?".
When my car fell on me I humbled myself unto the Ford,
said, "Thank you, sir, may I have a Chevy?".
That's reassuring. I won't call you an asshole, because they're useful, but here's another POS who created their god in their own image. Seems to happen a lot.
Plus, yet another fundie defending child abuse.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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