Selwyn Duke #sexist #wingnut

[From “Democrats’ “Man” Problem: Trump Is an Alpha, and Liberal Beta Males Can’t Compete”]

Democrats have, apparently, a man problem[…]
Democrats have long relied on young voters as part of a winning coalition[…]
To the point here, however, the shift among young men — and some other male demographics — was striking. Men 18-29 voted for Biden over Trump in 2020 56 to 41 percent. Yet this was almost precisely reversed in 2024: 56 percent of young men supported Trump[…]
Moreover, other male, traditionally Democratic coalition groups saw a similar shift. Hispanic men voted Trump 50-49; the president also won 24 percent of black men, a figure unprecedented in modern times. The latter support appears to have only grown, too. Why, a recent poll found that Trump enjoys a 42-percent approval rating among black men[…]
Say what you will about Trump, he’s a man’s man. Also, the irony about liberals is that they once stereotyped conservatives as tightly wrapped nerds who’d outlaw fun if they could. Yet this has proven to be projection. Harking back to what James Carville said, the Democrats have become Dork Central[…]
It’s all part of the feminization of society and of education in particular. This has been discussed for decades, too, notably in Christina Hoff Sommers 2000 book, The War Against Boys. And is it any wonder that these beleaguered boys, now men, are rebelling against those who warred on them?

As for the women, the male/female voting gap among young people is wider than ever[…]
These women, like all women, are hard-wired to desire and respect strong men — whether they know it or not[…]
This makes sense, too, from a species-perpetuation standpoint. For finding a strong man who provides safety maximizes the chances a woman and her offspring will survive and prosper[…]
A study years ago already found that stronger men tend to be conservative[…]
The GOP has become the party of and for manly men — and the women who love them



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