various commenters #wingnut #conspiracy

( @McKennzo )
Conspiracy theorists are right about the voting machines just like they were right about the vaccine and pretty much everything else.

( @DoNotTellMeWhatToBelieve )

spoilerI no longer identify
as a "Conspiracy
You can now refer
to me as
"That Fucker that
was right all along."

( @Stevubert )
@McKennzo The words conspiracy theory and antisemitism are synonymous with The word truth

( @Begood )
But we're not "Conspiracy theorists ". That's an outdated fake psyop term. People who know the truth about things the bad guys want hidden, are simply researchers and rational thinkers.

( @Chicagogrl )
@Begood @McKennzo But I like to embrace the term Conspiracy Theorist. They want to make it seem like a bad thing to question the narrative. Let's embrace the term. Like we embraced the term deplorables. They can't sully us if we laugh in their faces.
Proud Conspiracy Theorist who questions everything.
When they come up with bogus conspiracy theories, we can debunk them too.
They think they debunk us just by saying, "Oh, that's been debunked."
But conspiracy theorists present evidence and dank arguments.

( @mathieucossettefreespeech )
@McKennzo I do not like when they refer to conspiracy theorists for uncovering the truth! We are journalists or truth warriors!

( @DarkStardust )
@McKennzo Firmly established fact is no longer considered to be theory.
The conspiracy is real, and applies everywhere.

( @MoonMan01 )
@McKennzo Well if we're right about those things then maybe, just maybe, we are right about the Holohoax.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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