various commenters #transphobia

Over half of transgender prisoners in Wisconsin are sex offenders

( itsnotaboutewe )
They have a choice. Either

1. Transgender identifying males are far more likely to be sexual offenders than the normal male prison population, or

2. Men who are not transgender are pretending to be trans just to invade women's spaces.

They have to choose one of those two explanations. If trans identifying males are more likely to be sex offenders than ordinary men, there is even more of a need for them to be kept out of all female spaces. If some men are falsely claiming to be trans in order to infiltrate female spaces, and there is no test to prove if they are really trans or not, then all males regardless of how they identify need to be kept out of female spaces. Simple.

( pennygadget )
Honestly, I'm surprised the number is that low

( MissBehaved )
They're just the ones who got convicted for that. Given the extremely low rate of rape convictions, we can safely assume the number is higher (and for other men too of course).

( OneStarWolf )
This. These were the very few trans id men that were actually caught AND convicted of a sex crime. The real number is probably much higher since we know the vast majority of these sex based offenders either never get caught/not reported or are not convicted.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if TiMs have a 70+ percent sex crime rate. The FBI has known for years that transsexualism was a common comorbidity and paraphilia with pedos, rapists, and serial killers that target women. There are so many creepy fucking men out there and it seems they’re all catching on to the trans cheat.

( Mandy )
So the question is, are they sex offenders because they're transwomen, or did they become transwomen when they were convicted of sex offenses?

( RusticTroglodyte )
Since a requirement to being a tim is to be pornsick, (at least the majority, who transition as adults. The ones who transition in childhood are denied a sex life due to puberty blockers) and pornsick men need to keep escalating, coupled with the fact that trans identified men are entitled and think they can do whatever they want, all the time, I'd say they're sex offenders bc they're trans

Just my unscientific opinion



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