Holy fucking non-sequiturs Batman!
"The very fact that Helium is immutable, and never evolves into say carbon is direct proof of divine creation and negates a universe created by a mindless process like evolution."
You don't understand how suns work, therefore God. That is bullshit by itself but basing ANYTHING on what YOU understand is predictable folly. But wait, EVERY fucking comment is an example of ignorance.
"Why do evolutionists only quote athiests, like the people at Talkorigins? This would prove that their bias is spiritual and not scientific."
Atheism, not religious by definition. Who are we supposed to quote? Braindead Evangelist or Baptist preachers only a year or so away from being shouty street guy? YOU HAVE NO SCIENTIFIC CREDITIALS.
"The creation model predicts a static universe, unchanging from its orignal perfect state. Look at the stars. Exactly the same place they were thousands of years ago when we first started looking at the sky." "If evolution were true, we'd see stars changing, as per cosmological evolution. But the sky looks the same always, regardless of weather or not your a professional astronomer or a layman. Thus again we see a perfect creation instead of evolution"
No. We have witnessed starbirth and death, mostly in Nebulas but still recorded. One big example of change is a little thing called the galaxy Andromeda which is coming at us. Billion of stars that will die and billions that will be born on it's way. The Universe does change, there are little tugs and pulls that alter our own sisters in the Sol solar system.
"Why don't we see transitional forms being crated today?"
We do, this is creationist denial straight out.
"The second law of thermodynamics. Evolution has never fully recovered from the challenge of entropy"
It was never challenged by it. We are an open system receiving energy from the Sun and internal temperatures of the planets core and gravitational friction from the Sun and moon. We're lucky and if we weren't it wouldn't be a topic cold rocks talk about.
"Finally, with evolution you would expect to see society and civilization developing slowly over time."
Which you do, if you can be around for the beginning of a civilization you'd notice. That statements a huge stunt and you wouldn't dare say that to anyone except the most uneducated. Hence, why this is on a creationist site.
"Since world history is only about 5000 years old,"
Written history is pushing 6000 now and we know of structures and carved works pushing 12000 now. Then there's the evidence of us dumbfuck humans being pretty much the same animal for over 500,000.
" and since every ancient culture has a flood story similar to the Genesis account,"
Many cultures have no "flood story", many that do have details that differ greatly and mostly all suggest local, not worldwide. The Biblical ones is proven to have predecessors that came from cultures that had many Gods. The Torah copied the story from Babylon who didn't originate it either.
"and since early civilizations are very advanced we can conclude that a literal interpretation of Geneisis is correct."
You're not even called a civilization until you've reached certain levels of advancement. Rome is only "very advanced" 3000 years ago relative to bush or plains cultures and even then only in certain aspects. They had advanced education, architecture, the literal and visual arts and water/waste management. They also had torturous entertainment, enslavement, mad dictators and perversion unknown in some primitive bush or plains tribes.
Genesis has two creation stories, we can never get you to say which one is really truly for real "literal"