Laura Sanger Ph.D. #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy
We are at war. The primary battlefield is our mind. The Seed War of Genesis 3 is the longest standing, consecutive war in history. The impact cannot be underestimated but tragically, most people are oblivious because they have fallen prey to the mind control tactics of the Nephilim.
Who are the Nephilim? What is their agenda? And how has the Nephilim Agenda impacted our daily lives? If Jesus won the Seed War, why are we still amid a supernatural battle of epic proportions?
Journey with Dr. Sanger as she traverses time and space to discover how a biblical worldview explains the madness that has descended upon us. It’s time to remove the blindfolds and examine the myriads of ways the Nephilim Agenda has been strangling the lifeblood out of humanity. Together, we will untangle the web of lies, smash the warped philosophies corrupting our culture and establish the truth of God’s Word as our firm foundation.
Generation Hoodwinked is a timely follow-up to The Roots of the Federal Reserve. Dr. Sanger connects the dots between the coup d’etat that took place on Mount Hermon and our current battle to preserve humanity. We are living in days that some have characterized as the “worst of times,” but as followers of Jesus, these are the best of times. We were BORN FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS!! Be equipped to use your weapons of warfare to set the captives free. By the final pages, may you be able to declare with confidence, “I AM NO LONGER ENSLAVED!”