radicalXXfreedom #quack #sexist reddit.com

The Rapey (therapy) is so invalidating.

When handmaiden Ts look at you like you’re evil for suggesting that the world would be much better if males existed at 1% of the population or less because of all of the horrific things they have done to women for thousands of years, it feels so deeply invalidating & retraumatizing. And all their minimizing & deliberate ignorance feels like going to neglectful parents and telling them about horrific bullying that is being done to you, and them looking at you with a blank expression and doing nothing about it.

I personally thought all my therapists were useless. They were mostly all female, but even the female ones didn't seem to think much about the female experience in an analytical way.

Haha. Fucking right times 1000. It infuriates me that they’re so uncritical, unanalytical, completely lacking in courage, completely lobotomized and brainwashed, mindless, moronic, male colonized fools.

Yeah they believe if you just allow yourself to be even more abused then you'll be "healed". That's like telling a shark attack victim to let the sharks attack them again. It's fucked up and inhumane.

Yup. That’s the whole point of therapy: manufacture more victims for men. More compliant, willing, self blaming victims.



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