"Global warming is a pretty solid reality."
It's pretty solid as you stated; global cooling is also pretty solid reality -- don't you agree? That's what climate do, it changes, don't you agree? This line of argument gets you nowhere.
It still baffles me how 41% of US population still believe in this bogus AGW.
To the great Sen. Inhofe, you have 59% of America behind you. We support you in every way in debunking this scam. As long as truth is on your side, no one can knock you down. You are a great American -- you are the Galileo of your time.
Global warming means only that the average, worldwide trend is that its getting warmer. It still gets cold in winter. There are still blizzards and cold snaps. Weather is a complex system and it isn't as simple as you make it.
And since when is science a popularity contest? Polls and opinions mean nothing to facts.
Science cares not for what the public opinion currently is; that can change at the drop of the hat. What science is concerned about, though, is facts and the truth. The truth hurts when it means that you've gotta change your comfy lifestyle a little, doesn't it?
So, according to you, 59% of Americans do not accept global climate change. So fucking what?
I would wager they're the same morons who don't accept evolution as a fact either.
Pluggin your ears and shouting "La-la-la..." doesn't change reality, fuckwit.
We're on the verge of another dark ages, aren't we...
**sigh** guess I should start learning Cantonese.
Can someone please explain to me: Why does the religious majority in America accept the bible as the truth, but yet deny global warming / climate change?
They believe something there is no proof for, but yet deny something there is substantial testable proof for? Sorry, I just don't understand.
BennyBoy, London.
Ok, so draughts in Egypt, Spain, Cyprus and even UK are a figment of our imagination?. And what about polar bears?. Part of the conspiracy too?
For the last fucking time*
Weather =/= Climate
*Yeah I know, not the last fucking time, I will have to repeat myself over and over again.
"global cooling is also pretty solid reality -- don't you agree?"
No, and neither does reality.
(Source: Nature , Vol 463:284-287, 21 January 2010.)
@BennyBoy: "Can someone please explain to me: Why does the religious majority in America accept the bible as the truth, but yet deny global warming / climate change?"
Short answer: Groupthink.
Long answer (from the same issue of Nature ): "[A] growing body of work has suggested that ordinary citizens react to scientific evidence on societal risks in much the same way. People endorse whichever position reinforces their connection to others with whom they share important commitments. As a result, public debate about science is strikingly polarized. The same groups who disagree on 'cultural issues' abortion, same-sex marriage and school prayer also disagree on whether climate change is real and on whether underground disposal of nuclear waste is safe. [...] Cultural cognition also causes people to interpret new evidence in a biased way that reinforces their predispositions. As a result, groups with opposing values often become more polarized, not less, when exposed to scientifically sound information" (from "Fixing the Communications Failure" by Dan Kahn, Nature 463:296-297).
N.B. we're only human (most of us), so the above applies to us as well as them.
"It still baffles me how 41% of US population still believe in this bogus AGW. "
It still baffles me that conservatives think rising temperatureand melting glaciers proves global warming does not exist.
I still can't understand what the hell the problem is with Conservatives/Fundies and Climate change. Ok, so worse case scenerio, science is wrong, and us humans really aren't affecting climate change like we thought. The worst that happens---we have cleaner air to breathe, cleaner water to drink, and have (in the long run) cheaper and better ways to provide energy. It's a win-win. Why do they feel they have to fight it THIS MUCH? What's the problem?
Actually no, climates shouldn't change so quickly and drastically. Climate = the overall weather patterns, humidity, temperature and environment of an area.
It sometimes rains in the Sahara. Does this mean it's not a hot, arid climate?
Seriously, learn you definitions, fucktard.
@ Antichrist:
Luckily, I have a friend in Singapore perfectly willing to teach me Mandarin...
... *starts looking up plane ticket cost*
The 100% truth remains 100% true irrespective of whether 1% or 100% of the population believes it. Or even 0%.
Go read a history book and see what just about everybody used to think was true, but which is now known to be false. e.g. That the Earth is flat, or that the sun orbits the Earth.
Sudden parallel.
Conservative christians accuse atheists of refusing to accept jebus cause we just want to go on sinning.
Conservative christians however refuse to accept global warming cause they just want their cheap crap and giant gas guzzling cars.
You do know that the US of A is not Global, don't you?
Sure, the last two years have thrown the Northern Europe into almost Ice Age Winters, but that's just two years in a row, and it's a special kind of "wind" coming down from Siberia. It happens once in a few hundred years, as far as I understand it. A true Ice Age happens year after year after year for a thousand years, at least, maybe ten or hundred thousand years in a row.
Before these last two winters, I lived in Gothenburg and we needed umbrellas more often than snow-shovels, for eight to ten years in a row, even though snow-shovels would be more normal to Northern Europe Winters.
Didn't the Koch brothers or some other conservative think-tank recently hire an expert to prove global warming wasn't real, only his results proved the opposite? He was even honest about it, in spite of being paid to do otherwise.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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