Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart #ufo #conspiracy #magick #moonbat voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I know that the lightworkers who are high in vibration drop down in frequency so that the negativity coming from earthlings (yeah, just think, they're still rioting over the control measures the Deep State has taken to counter Trump's assault on them) and so the indigos get to join these lower timelines and soak up all the lovely energy to transmute.

I made the point clear that it was too much for me. And the Galactics need to help me. This is another thing you can do to get help. They hear you and will try to provide whatever relief they can.

Me: So, Ivo, why do I sleep worse at night than I do in the daytime? Is this a personal thing or does it affect all lightworkers?

Ivo: My love, you were out on raids two nights ago. The extra energy you put into helping to arrest dark ones on earth because you were in the DUMBs, ended up coming through to your emotional mind as nightmares. When you assert extra energy in difficult tasks at night time, it will come through as nightmares and you will not sleep well. Especially you.

Yes, we make added effort during the solstices and other portals of incoming energies to arrest the dark ones so everybody helps out. You must understand that this is our only chance to relieve this planet of all the archons, reptilians and draconians and so everyone must make sacrifices.

Me: Okay, so portals are extra battles. When is the next portal? Seven/seven. July 7th. In 3 weeks.

Ivo: In effect, you did take on much negative energy - the energies of the dark ones as you battled them. Of course they were directing this energy towards you.

Me: Got it. So presumably yesterday I didn't go.

Ivo: No, not after the complaining you carried out after you woke up. It is not our wish to see you miserable and wanting to die for doing this work.

Me: I just want peace and going on these raids on top of dealing with the negative energy that's surrounding me is too much to take. I never smile anymore. It would take too much energy.

Ivo, you just have to realize how difficult it is to just come back from a night of poor sleep for me. I have health problems that are undiagnosed and I can't get any help with as it is. I do my best with what I have available to me.

Where were we doing the raid?

Ivo: (smiling) We were in the Brazilian jungles that night.

Me: And I go to bed late so that would be night fall in Brazil. What happened?

Ivo: There were many ships as well as an armada of saucers and fighters from these motherships. We have a large fleet. It was well organized. Again, the light warriors are necessary because they hold both vibrations of the reptilians and 3D earth, as well as the higher frequencies of the Light, so you are our access persons.

During these battles they are aware when they see our ships that a raid is about to take place. They attempt to fire weapons on our ships but we are too well shielded. Their weapons are inferior to ours.

There is a maze of underground facilities under the growth of the jungle and we have been looking at taking it for a while now. Two nights ago, we got in.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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