YourChild #fundie

If you are one of those that doubt the existence of the devil then let me start off by saying that the devil is real and he is sly... so slick that he has deceived you into doubting his existence! The devil is a deceiver and he is so smooth at shoving thoughts into our heads that a lost soul without God in his/her life will not be able to discern between their own thoughts, and those from the devil. I will show you what I have experienced and you will judge for yourself, the validity of the existence of the devil. If you conclude that the devil exist then you surely cannot doubt the existence of God. There is good and there is evil.
This right here is called logismoi. It is the process where your thoughts do not originate from you...they originate from the devil. The devil can put thoughts into your head and is always trying to tear you apart.
The devil hates you and he wants you to be depressed, down, sad, lonely, rejected...he wants you to always think that you cannot make it, you're unworthy, you're a reject, you're weak, you're hopeless, no one likes you....all these thoughts are from the devil!!!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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