Mad Momma Bear #homophobia #transphobia

Apparently, at Camp Indigo gender magically changes with the mood of the camper. This exemplifies the insanity of the gender movement. It is hard to believe there are camps dedicated to furthering the confusion of children, but the gender ideology grift is a good grift for the gender cult leaders.

A review of the camp (above) shares that parents share resources such as how to save money on puberty blockers for their children. Camps like this should be illegal in Texas because this is psychologically harming these children and putting them on the trajectory for adult medical transition, maybe sooner if their parent(s) take them out of state to pursue sterilization and body-altering procedures like the mother of James Younger whose father, Jeff Younger, has been fighting for years only to see Texas fail to protect his son who is now in California with his degenerate mother who is transitioning him and pursuing sterilization (puberty blockers) for James.

AroAce is an “identity” that doesn’t feel romantic or sexual. That actually sounds like a mood and not an identity. But everyone needs to feel special and have an oppressed and “misunderstood” identity, I guess. As for me, I still identify as a Mad Momma Bear.



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