hybridmongrel #transphobia youtube.com

RE: Reacting to Kat Blaque on Rachel Dolezal and Caitlyn Jenner
(Note by submitter: responding to https://fstdt.com/WZ786G$3HL5Y3 )

@MacyJane I agree it is gold, as is your comment. This subject is not focussed on enough by gender critics, so I'm delighted Maria has gone there. The rank hypocrisy of transideology, that their brand of pseudo oppression trumps all others and re-writes the history of humanity is so grandiose I'm amazed it isn't seen as the narcissism it so obviously is - and even so much as a faint criticism is felt as a narcissistic injury, mortification and met with narcissistic rage. This pathological process is well known, documented and - apart from Vaknin's Cold Therapy - untreatable.
Diana Shaw (womenarehuman.com) is brilliant on this, as you probably know (but for the people who don't...) siting trans firmly in the white colonial historical trajectory, the 'final frontier' (before space is plundered, whitey gearing up for that now) being women's bodies and identity. It is so obvious, especially to anyone with even a tiny grasp of left wing, anti-racist, anti-colonial education and awareness. Slacktivist indeed!
The other area where gender critics need to occupy is FGM. To the trans-cult:
Female Genital Mutilation (illegal in most of the West) = barbaric Black and brown witch-doctor savagery (where poor girl recipients are doomed to a life of no sexual enjoyment, excluding them from any possibility of being 'sex positive')
Female and Male Genital Mutilation (legal in most of the West) = the highest form of empathic civilisation and whitey enlightened technology, enabling recipients to enter the kingdom of glitter-sparkles and heaven gender-bliss (where boy and vulnerable male adult recipients can look forward to a life of sissy porn-fantasy-cum-true, oh my! And women can look forward with expectant glee to their rolled up tube of armskin faux-phallus, pumped up with a $10,000 erectile implant, woo hoo! Or talk to Buck about the alternative... )
As Jennifer Bilek says, this is seriously the most f*kd up sh*t ever in the sad history of patriarchy and capitalism. And it must be exposed and stopped.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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