Two Anons #magick #mammon
(First Anon)
Nobody here is a real magician
Because nobody here has became wealthy through magick.
If you have, just share.
I retired at 21 due to magik manifestation and now Im 27 living off passive income, thus proving you wrong
In what way did you manifest it?
the same way you manifest anything, Law of attraction.
After doing this long enough, my parents had a falling out with my grandparents, and they took away all my mothers inheritance and gave it to me, making me landlord.
Did you specifically ask for that to happen
I wanted my mother to be punished and to receive all love and material object from my grandparents
lel, you didnt even have to do shit for it?
i could have just wished for a rich sugar granny?
I wont say I did nothing for it, since Im the only person in the family given this opportunity. My grandparents love me more than their own children, and all my cousins still have to work for their money. This was honestly extremely jewish of me but fuck working
(Second Anon)
I read one of those Sean Carroll or Phile Hine books, I don't remember. I drew up a sigil and masturbated and gave it 9 years. Forgot the exact sigil, so doubt it matters, if at all. Pic related.
The trick to get into communication with the real players of this simulation. Then shit goes fast. Saw that Orphic egg as a Lam alien, wise entity, weird dimension, everything happens either all at once, or what happens in any way possible, necessarily happens. Makes for great forecaster though.
Not sure about making a better world. Wish I could be proud of myself, but more likely I was some Sim for some basement dwelling alien or demon, who browsed to earth, like we browse to /x/, and took pity on me.
May have been responsible for the stellar rise of Elon Musk and the Trump presidency. Sorry. Ave Saturnia! Can not tell more than just jerk it, draw some spoopy shit, and wait close to a decade.