The whole point of being on a forum like this is being able to say what you want without repercussions.
IT are seriously braindead, to the point that they don't realize that if we said shit like this in public there would be serious consequences for us, like losing our jobs, expelled from school, arrested by the police etc. We are basically living in a police state where wrongthink is not tolerated, and soon even online forums like this will be shutdown.
The social elites are slowly pushing this agenda of surveillance and suppression of individual thought, and the irony is that they are doing it under the guise of promoting the very things they are suppressing. They say they want to promote individuality, freedoms and equality, when in reality every action they take slowly but surely infringes on all three.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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