Logan B #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy #mammon operationdisclosureofficial.com
Has our ship already come in and we’re all waiting at the airport? Jared Rand tells us the RV has already started. St Germain tells us GESARA has already started. No one from the Light is saying that ascension is something we still need to wait years for. They all say it is happening right now. Is anyone seeing any evidence of any of these things?
All we continue to see is the horror show. The latest is the continuation of the so called earthquake wars which doesn’t appear to be a war at all. HAARP is focused on an area, a huge light show appears in the sky and thousands die in the aftermath. Are any UFOs reported in the area to dissipate this energy? Earthquakes and tsunamis have been the weapon of choice for many years since nuclear weapons got turned off. The plan is to let these madmen continue to use earthquake weapons into next year. Who indeed are the madmen? Those who continue to use these weapons or those that have the power to stop them and don’t? We will continue to trust the plan.
I told my daughter (who is the only person I discuss any of this with but she has lost faith as well) if we ever get our hands on a lot of money we need to go to the people who work for the criminally insane, ask them how much they get paid and offer them double to go home to their families and do nothing. The sheer number of people who work for the so called NAA (Negative Alien Agenda) is staggering. From the cooks flipping burgers at fast food joints to the people actually pushing the button to activate HAARP. Practically everyone but if possible start with the button pushers first.
This is one of my humanitarian projects to quell evil and promote wellness. The few that actually do have products and services that promote wellness will be encouraged to continue and helped to expand. The other project I intend to do is bath the world in 432hz. Both of these will be a huge undertaking and I will need a lot of help.