Some nation's judicial system's like America's are becoming too laid back on capital punishment. Nowadays not even everyone thats charged with murder receives capital punishment., but yet God punishes and condemns those that kill others so are Government's to believe they are more forgiving then god?
If it were God's decision he'd have someone condemned to damnation instantly, but yet a political system allows its subordinates and citizen's to run free with the abominable slaughter of another human being?
in refute I'd like to say perhaps America would leave the actual punishment until the afterlife while they let a murderer live on until his judgment day.
Well, the Bible holds capital punishment in highest regards, ordring it not even for murder but also for other instances, for example working on Sabbath, praying to other gods than YHWH, getting raped in a city (if you´re female), premarital Sex, Cursing your parents and many many things more.
So one might say that the american government is even too slack with imposing death penalty
What's scariest about this is the thinking that government should be placing itself on par with god.
If it were god's decision then I'm sure he'd make sure anyone who deserved death dies. Instead it's in the hands of us mere mortals who aren't supposed to KILL, remember, dickhead?
I mean, fuck... o.O;;;
1) If you HAVE to use capital punishment, it should only be in the case of serial killers. Someone who kills in a fit of emotion definitely deserves prison time, but to put them to death serves no purpose as it is unlikely that they are beyond rehabilitation. ANYONE is capable of murder, under the right circumstance.
2) Execution is hypocritical. You say one should be executed if they murder someone. What if the person he or she kills was someone who murdered a loved one? Revenge killings are illegal. Yet isn't capital punishment itself a form of revenge killing? We show people that murder is wrong... by committing murder? Ridiculous.
Capital punishment is primitive and barbaric.
"Some nation's judicial system's like America's are becoming too laid back on capital punishment. Nowadays not even everyone thats charged with murder receives capital punishment., but yet God punishes and condemns those that kill others so are Government's to believe they are more forgiving then god?"
Are you saying that Governments - fallible humans - should be able to make that decision? Your god is infallible. Only god should have the power to take life, as you people keep reminding us in situations like euthanasia.
"If it were God's decision he'd have someone condemned to damnation instantly, but yet a political system allows its subordinates and citizen's to run free with the abominable slaughter of another human being?"
I think you should let your god worry about his decisions, no? If god wants a thing, it will happen, surely?
My brain hurts as your own contradictions are running rampant.
Thou shalt not kill, but you are advocating for the death penalty?
If not, your God is taking his own sweet time with Charles Manson and his gang. Ivan Milat too. Guess he be a poor marksman.
The amusing thing is use evidence from the science of evolution as evidence to kill people.
The problem with a captial punishment system is that once you kill one innocent man you have just doomed your entire system. I would rather they sit in jail, you can apologise for jail time. Not for killing the person.
If you HAVE to use capital punishment, it should only be in the case of serial killers.
I would say no. Serial killers don't fear death. They do what they do knowing fully well their punishment. Keeping them alive under suicide watch is a more appropriate punishment.
It's called due process, fuckwit.
It's called not sentencing a person to death until you have no doubt whatsoever that he is guilty, rather than just murdering people on the spot as you're suggesting.
Apparently you don't care of the accused is actually innocent or not.
"Nowadays not even everyone thats charged with murder receives capital punishment"
Come on, you should know by now the appropriate approach is to charge them, give them a trial, find them guilty, and then kill them.
And if it turns out they executed the wrong guy?
"Whoops! Our bad...Well, at least he went to Heaven!"
Actually, they probably think that way....
If god cared, he'd override the judicial system, in America and around the world.
He doesn't, so I think its safe to assume he doesn't give a rats ass.
If it were God's decision he'd have someone condemned to damnation instantly, but yet a political system allows its subordinates and citizen's to run free with the abominable slaughter of another human being?
The parable about the weeds in the wheat field jus went right over your head, didn't it?
Wait, I'm confused. Every single person guilty of homicide should be put to death?
Including, say, a guy who kills someone for raping his daughter?
If it were God's decision he'd have someone condemned to damnation instantly,
Uh, you're saying he isn't in charge? The government trumps god's decisions? But I thought ...oh forget it
"Nowadays not even everyone thats charged with murder receives capital punishment"
Not everyone charged with murder is found guilty, and even those that are found guilty aren't always factually guilty. If you let them live all you need to do is apologize, let them out, and it would also be good to compensate the person for their time in prison. If they're dead you've made an irreversible mistake, and no matter how much money you give to the family you can never compensate for what was lost.
"If it were God's decision he'd have someone condemned to damnation instantly, but yet a political system allows its subordinates and citizen's to run free with the abominable slaughter of another human being?"
If he's condemned to damnation why does it matter if he's put to death or not. Eternity lasts just as long regardless.
The innocence project has helped over 200 wrongfully convicted people get off of death row. They only take cases that have DNA evidence that is available.
Now how many are on death row that can't be helped because there was no DNA evidence available.
I love how these idiots scream for blood, then when you bring up the shellfish argument they go "well, Jesus did away with that law".
I thought it was a sin to pretend to know what God wants.
Also, please learn how to use apostrophes CORRECTLY!
[A]re Government's to believe they are more forgiving then god?
You bet. You see, we've evolved somewhat since the days of arbitrary capital punishment. God's 'justice', as evidenced in the OT, is basically that of a temperamental bully with infinite powers. It was acceptable when kings had unlimited power over their subjects (as God was then seen as the King of Creation), but starting with the Magna Carta, we've done much better than this.
In other words, your God is obsolete. Deal with it.
4 misused apostrophes, 1 missing apostrophe, misuse of "then" and "refute".
In the US, we don't consider all murder to be worthy of capital punishment - some states don't have capital punishment at all.
"More forgiving than God?" No, but unlike God, governments can't be 100% sure they're right.
I do think capital punishment is sometimes necessary, though - some mass murderers and terrorists (Osama bin Laden?) are simply too dangerous.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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