various commenters #wingnut #racist

Stalin didn't save Russia from the Jews.

Stalin brutally carried out the will of the Jews against the Russian people, abusing them, terrorizing them, and murdering them.

Stalin wasn't a good any way at all. Where is all this Stalin and Communist worship coming from? It's like a rot that's set in, in our community, springing up in just the last few years.

Stalin was not a Russian. He was a Georgian. It took a Georgian to break the power of the Jews in the Soviet Union.

@Nature_and_Race Too many want to take the easy way. Tons of people chose to see Trump as a savior. Then Putin. Then Elon Musk. And there will be more in the future. But we're the "bad guys" and the "Nazis". Yeah, right.

@Nature_and_Race I'm pretty sure Stalin was a jew, ill have to refer to Abe finkelstien to see

@Nature_and_Race again hitting hard with the facts and never disappoints. One little fun tidbit Stalin was married to a Jew which her brother was one of the Jews that were controlling him

@Nature_and_Race a tangent - I see a lot of remarks on Gab about a fondness for Hitler. I do not know the true Hitler because I have not read mein kampf.

But, it strikes me as odd that he would be a socialist. My confusion likely comes from associating Marx with socialism and communism.

Why would Hilter follow a Jewish economic philosophy? Or, did the Jews simply subvert socialism? Freedom, not socialism, is a founding principle in the United States.

We can have freedom and still nullify the Jew. Just return to the original intent of the constitution. I realize that states lack the will to secede. The threat must come from them.

@iHeartReason -- Firstly, Hitler was a National Socialist. Not a Socialist. In German, National Socialism is one word, so there's no "Nationalism" and "Socialism" as it appears in English.

Secondly, Socialism existed before Marx. Marx's Socialism was Communist Socialism.

Thirdly, there is no single definition for Socialism. To some it's merely economic. While to others it's philosophical. In Hitler's case it was philosophical. Socialism as a philosophy means putting the health and well-being of the citizens at the very center of society.[...]



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