@LoveHerMadly , @AthenasWrench & @CatherineWheel #transphobia gettr.com

( @LoveHerMadly )
This horrible man is mocking the female body. This is "blackface" but against women. Of course, look at the giant Troon pride flag on the wall. Who could EAT through this?


( @AthenasWrench )
Imagine any other group being mocked and abused like this? Imagine taking stereotypes and using those as mockery and then calling it diversity. This is not okay and it is the equivalent of old time minstrel shows. There is thousands of years of history that cannot be ignored. To this day in some countries women cannot drive a fucking car. This is NOT okay.

( @CatherineWheel )
And it's just as malevolent as the old minstrel shows, parading degrading stereotypes to indoctrinate children into believing that women are stupid sex toys. No girl would want to have that in her future.



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