In 2000, certain people voted in George Dumbya Bush..
In 2002, he personally appointed to the Federal bench John E. Jones III.
Two years later, Dumbya was voted in again: by certain people.
One year after that, Judge John E. Jones III decided upon a certain court case: Kitzmiller vs. Dover. Which - via the law - proved that the Bible is lies; which - via Romans 13:1-5 - your 'True' Bible agrees, don't bother your now proven nonexistent 'God' about it.
Therefore a couple of questions:
1- Did you vote for Dumbya in 2004 at least?
2- Would Dumbya - a Conservative Christian voted in, twice by Conservative Christians like you, have personally appointed a judge who is known to be an Atheist...?!
Because if your answers are the only ones possible, I'm afraid that the only ones destroying your nation: are you & all your fundie Christain ilk.
Moral: Hindsight is not 20-20, I think you'll find.