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Look, if you want to play with your soul, like you play with you boyfriends kiester, then by all means do it. You are the one who has to stand before God and account for all you have done. Maybe, just maybe, we are all stupid and you are the smart one. Maybe there is no after life and you are living the high life and could care less about what happens after you die. That is your choice, but don't use your ideas to prove a point that everyone else is brainwashed because we don't want to queer off like you do. You have hijacked a name,"Gay", and perverted it to a mongrel name. "Gay" actually means "Got AIDS Yet", and to put it with diseases like cancer and other diseases makes me sick. Your choice to let someone use your ass for a knothole and when you get the disease you should be sent out to a place like a lepors colony. But, that is between you and the everafter. Good Luck with explaining that to God.



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