Considering the most infamous act of terrorism to happen in Japan was committed by Japanese people, I doubt they'd consider a Muslim ban to be a good way to stop terrorism. But I'm sure all the people who were injured or lost loved ones in that act would agree: at least it wasn't Muslims doing it! 12 people killed by a non-Muslim terrorist is insignificant compared to 12 people killed by a Muslim terrorist. Hell, it's insignificant compared to one Muslim looking at me the wrong way! What's important is that we NUKE THE RAGHEADS!
How do you prevent Aum Shinrikyo terrorism in European countries? Japan has its own terrorists, dumbass, despite how minuscule their number is.
Also, there are Muslims in Japan both ethnic Japanese and Middle Eastern. How did they get there? Did they just magically materialize out of nowhere? I'm not implying that all Muslims are terrorists. Rather, I am implying two simple things that are liable to come to mind if you have basic critical-thinking skills, and your mind isn't addled on hatred. First, every group has its violent and deranged bad apples, so a Muslim terrorist attack in Japan is entirely possible but so is a Shinto or Buddhist or Christian or Yaoi-Fangirl or who-knows what terrorist attack. Second, and more importantly, Japan is clearly doing something very right to keep any terrorism and general violence out of their country, but it is obviously not keeping Muslims out of their country. We need to follow their example.
There are definitely no problems with Japan's strict immigration policy.
Just ignore the declining birth rate, aging population, and negative population growth, not to mention the still high level of xenophobia in the country.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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