In Britain, Ireland, Canada. etc it is now illegal and a hate crime for Christian preachers to preach that homosexuality is a sin. Our time is coming in this nation if we do not stop this nonsense at the border. And even worse it will happen that to say killing babies in the womb and harvesting their body parts for subsequent sale is sinful, will also be a hate crime. Get ready. The internment camps are coming. Sooner than you may think.
There was a street preacher who was arrested a few miles from my home in London a few years ago for being insulting when condemning homosexuality as a sin; he was later released without charge. As with Ireland and Canada, there is a difference between expressing a religious opinion and hate speech. Learn it.
If you preach in church to willing congregants, they can just vote with their feet. If you say these things in other circumstances, yes, I see how that could be considered a hate crime. "Poor me, I'm oppressed because I can't oppress others".
Mr Henry Wilson, you are either a fear-monger or an idiot.
I'm really sorry to have to break the news to you.
"In Britain, Ireland, Canada. etc it is now illegal and a hate crime for Christian preachers to preach that homosexuality is a sin. Our time is coming in this nation"
...and if a certain Kim Il-Davis can't keep her opinions to herself, then a definite case of 'Be careful what you wish for'.
She has already been made an example of, via her time in the can, and that condition of her release: that 'Damocles Sword' that is Contempt of Court & thrown back in the slammer if she does anything less than her job: issuing marriage licences.
And all it'll take for what you say to become illegal in your country too, if she can't change her attitude, is for her jailing to set the legal precedent, and it'll be open season on all you homophobes. One little psychological slip by her, and it will become Thoughtcrime .
As it is here in the UK with anti-discrimination laws, and Section 5 of the Public Order Act. Good.
Past Labour Home Secretary Jacqui Smith banned the WBC from entering my country. Strange how that edict was continued by the subsequent Conservative HS, eh pal...?!
In Britain, Ireland, Canada. etc it is now illegal and a hate crime for Christian preachers to preach that homosexuality is a sin.
No, it bloody isn't. You are flatly lying.
Preaching that homosexuality is a sin isn't a hate crime, it's just hate.
Preaching that homosexuals should be killed and encouraging violence against them, now that's a hate crime.
Mr Wilson here uses Britain, Ireland, and Canada as an example of what will happen in the USA, then speculates on the future of the USA using things that never happened in Britain, Ireland, and Canada.
The labyrinthine reasoning of fundamentalists.
"In Britain, Ireland, Canada. etc it is now illegal and a hate crime for Christian preachers to preach that homosexuality is a sin."
No it isn't, it's only a crime when you incite violence toward them and I'm pretty sure you and those that use this argument KNOW THAT BUUUT You want those good ole days where you could get away with calling for others deaths every lovely lights through stained glass Sunday.
Every time one of your nut preachers goes off on a murderous Crusade rant shits like you try to reduce it to "just talkin' bout scriptural sins, we didn't start no fires"
In countries with strong civil rights, it's a hate crime to spread lies and incite hatred about other people, yes.
You may say it's sinful all you like, but it's still all lies and delusions. Babies have a birthday and they breathe, embryos and fetuses don't. Most abortions are done so early that there are no discernible body parts to harvest, only tissue. The tissue is often DONATED to science, but the tissue samples need to be preserved and transported to the research laboratories, and that costs money, which the abortion clinics often get reimbursed for. The sale of embryo tissue is illegal in most western countries, as is the sale of human body parts.
The internment camps are already there, stupid. They are called reparative therapy camps, three-strikes-and-you're-out, and Guantanamo.
....And even worse it will happen that to say killing babies in the womb and harvesting their body parts for subsequent sale is sinful....
....How anyone can make big bucks off this is anyone's guess. If you can make out body parts, then you have better eyes than I.
Another question concerning this fiction of "Black-Market Fetus Parts".....What exactly are these folks selling them for? I have yet to get an answer. Stem cells? Imaginary Pepsi additives? For funsies? WHAT?!
Admit it, Henry; You don't care about babies; You just want to penalize everybody (especially women) for having lots of free, open, low-consequences sex.
If that wasn't the case, you'd be all for funding the Social Safety Net & Comprehensive Sex-Ed.
"In Britain, Ireland, Canada. etc it is now illegal and a hate crime for Christian preachers to preach that homosexuality is a sin."
That's just flat out not true. Even if it were, as hateful as this sort of nonsense is, the US 1st Amendment protects it under both the Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech clauses.
OK, when Britain, Ireland, and Canada start setting up internment camps for Christians, then maybe we'll take notice.
Another question concerning this fiction of "Black-Market Fetus Parts".....What exactly are these folks selling them for? I have yet to get an answer. Stem cells? Imaginary Pepsi additives? For funsies? WHAT?!
To be used in Satanic rituals, obviously.
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