are Nation? What are they? Or can't you spell "our"?
If your god doesn't like abortions, he should have created a more efficient method for human reproduction. Somewhere around 50-85 percent of all fertilized eggs are flushed out in early spontaneous abortions (i.e. miscarriages). All women have probably had at least one of these, and many women have also had a later miscarriage (including me, in week 11, 15 years ago). In short, "unborn children" are murdered by your god's "intelligent design" each and every day. The few that are deliberately aborted by humans are just a few drops in the ocean.
What's the problem with drag queens reading to children at libraries? Have you volunteered to read to children at a library? If not, why are you complaining?
What's wrong with a man dressed like a woman? That was the norm in ancient theatres, as women weren't allowed on the stage.
Again with the lack of spelling knowledge. It's "a woman". The word "women" means more than one, you silly bint.
Is the LORD answering you, honey?
I'd say that Jesus would be much angrier about electing a rich, lying, serial adulterer, divorcee and remarrying selfish clown.
It's not just in the US. Here's the drag queen Inga Tvivel ("No Doubt" in Swedish), reading to children in a Swedish library.