The Raunchous Brothers #sexist

[lyrics to "Put It In Bare"]

I never wear a fucking rubber
And I never will!
I won't let the bitch use a diaphragm
Or a birth control pill!

I'm not a faggot!
I've got balls!
If the bitch gets pregnant
I'll shove her down a flight of stairs
I put my dick in bare!

I'm not afraid of pregnancy
I'm not afraid of an STD
And I don't care if I get AIDS
I've got nothing to live for anyway

I'm not a faggot!
I'm not a coward!
If I get AIDS
I just don't fucking care!
I put my dick in bare!

I'll never wrap my dick in latex
Because I don't believe in safe sex
My only method of birth control
Is to stick my dick up a chick's asshole

I'm not a coward!
I'm not a faggot!
Procreate children with blue eyes and blonde hair
I put my dick in bare!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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