i read the bible daily & have noticed that if you read the ten commandments in the bible most of our laws are based on those ten commandments besides those who are bashing the bible must be reading it to know where to find the verses they seem to want to quote so why are they saying are bible is wrong. yes i do believe in god & jesus & believe what my bible tells me about how are world was created.please stop bashing my prized & most loved book.
Right. The thousands upon thousands of laws we have are based on those 10 laws.
Well, not the first five, actually.
Or the last 2.
Actually there are only three that have any resemblance to US law. And of those three, lying isn't actually a crime, unless you lie in court or to a police officer. And we have different shades of stealing and murdering, some forms of which are not illegal.
And the 10 biggies don't cover most actual law. There's nothing about property and real estate law, zoning laws, employment laws, constitutional law, divorce law, corporate law, etc.
And FYI, reading a book doesn't make it right.
I would bash your post more, but you seem awfuwwy fwajil.
Yeah, and you must cast the first stone to kill me since I work on the Sabbath. Nice, loving christian laws!
You also fail in your obvious illiteracy from home schooling.
Your parents are pieces of shit.
Really? U.S. law is based on the Ten Commandments? I'm looking at Exodus 34 right now, and I can't figure out which (if any) U.S. laws are based on these:
Worship no other god than Yahweh: Make no covenant with the inhabitants of other lands to which you go, do not intermarry with them, destroy their places of worship.
Do not cast idols.
Observe the Feast of Unleavened Bread for seven days in the month of Abib in remembrance of the Exodus.
Sacrifice firstborn male animals to Yahweh. The firstborn of a donkey may be redeemed; redeem firstborn sons.
Do no work on the seventh day.
Observe the Feast of First Fruits and the Feast of Ingathering: All males are therefore to appear before Yahweh three times each year.
Do not offer the blood of a sacrifice with leavened bread.
Do not let the Passover sacrifice remain until the following morning.
Bring the first fruits of the harvest to the Temple of Yahweh.
Do not cook a kid in its mother's milk.
Um, our laws and the 10 commandments are similiar because it's common fucking sense!
Don't be an asshole, it's bad.
Don't kill people, it's bad.
Don't fuck around, it's bad AND it's unhealthy.
Don't steal from people, it's bad.
Don't purjer/lie, it's bad.
Don't fuck your neighbor's donkey, it's weird.
The first four aren't laws and they don't count.
those who are bashing the bible must be reading it to know where to find the verses they seem to want to quote so why are they saying are bible is wrong.
I can quote from the Malleus Malificarum too. Quoting from a text in no way lends veracity or credibility to that text.
"most of our laws are based on those ten commandments"
Tell me which ones, and show me a society that does not adhere to them, or just STFU. M'kay?
"please stop bashing my prized & most loved book."
Please stop allowing your ranks to be co-opted by bigots of every stripe, and pretending that we are not allowed to criticize the magical book that they use as a rallying point to go about getting the masses to pursue their hateful and destructive whims.
Your book sucks!! Poor plot, poor character development, no suspense, predictable ending, etc. Seriously, Homer's Iliad and Odyssey are much better.
Insomnia by Stephen King is also good.
"Are bible" is wrong because "are" is the present plural form of the verb "to be", while the word you want is "our", a plural possessive adjective.
...Oh, that wasn't what you meant? Then it's because you can read a book and still think it's wrong. Amazing concept, I know.
So, which laws are based on "Thou shalt have no other gods before me"? Are there laws in your country that says "Christianity is the only allowed religion"? Or rather "Judaism is...", as the commandments are in the Old Testament.
It's probably news to you, but you don't HAVE to believe everything in a particular text, just because you have read it.
We are saying the Bible is wrong because it does not agree with reality.
You've never eaten shellfish, I hope, or wore clothes of mixed fabrics, or done any work on the Sabbath (remember, picking sticks for your fire is considdered work). As there are differing opinions on which is the Sabbath; Friday, Saturday or Sunday, you'd better not do any work on any of those days, to be absolutely sure.
I won't stop bashing a book just cause you like it. You fundies won't stop bashing Darwin's book, or the Harry Potter series. We are many who like the book and love the series.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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