This is the reason why the Jewish controlled media promotes big breasts - because it is a Jewish trait. But of course, they could never admit the real reason why they promote big breasts, so they reverse engineered a fake excuse that big breasts were supposed to be a sign of being able to breast feed loads of children at the same time, or whatever lies they come up with.
Now we know the real reason. The reason why the Jewish controlled media promotes big breasts is because big breasts are a Jewish trait. It’s the Jews rigging the rules of the game in their favor again.
Millions of gentile women have been brainwashed into getting breast implants, just so they can have oversized, back strain inducing, saggy, Jewish looking breasts.
The Jews are brainwashing us all into acting and looking like Jews. It’s like a big giant long drawn out conversion process.
No wonder the Jews hold all the top positions in society – because they have been rigging society to favor Jewish traits.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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