Socrates put an artificial concept such as loyalty to a city above the reality of nature and survival of his genotype.
This is similar to some Whites today who say they will fight to the death for the United States. The United States is an artificial construct and it contains genotypes that are not White, so what they are really saying is that they will give up their lives and their future to protect Blacks; to protect crime filled cities where Whites are being slaughtered. This is pathetic.
We must start understanding what is essential in us and what isn't. What is essential is our genotype. Our nation is in us. It is not land. It is not a constitution. It is not the Star Wars Bar. We are our nation. It is one with our genotype no matter where on Earth we are born. The U.S. was once White and protecting it also protected our genotype. No more.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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