Witch, you have no idea of what Christianity is. That is why atheists are stupid. You can take your Wiccan beliefs and put em where the sun don't shine. Go ahead and smirk. Satan is jumping for joy because he has so many of you deceived. Worship him, that is what he wants most, is your worship and every time you deny God you are bowing to the devil. I hope you are happy in your self delusions.
You believe an invisible magician invented by a bunch of bored goatherds sitting around a campfire several thousand years ago is going to float your body off this planet and up into the clouds where you will happily live forever...and you think atheists are stupid??
Wiccans don't worship satan...Wiccans don't believe in your mythology so they don't worship any of your mythological creatures...god or satan or any others.
And if you want to see an absolutely flawless example of self-delusion, try a mirror.
Atheists are not Wiccans.
Atheists are not Muslims.
Atheists. Do not. Believe. In. God. Any God. Period. End statement.
Well first of all, Wiccans aren't atheists. But trying to tell you people anything is absolutely impossible.
Yet your willing to use our heathen technologies and medicines.
And yet for some ODD reason, most Witches/Wiccans I've ever met (and there has been quite a few) demonstrate more "christian"-like love than most real christfags like yourself could ever hope to show their fellow man.
Choke on a dick and die, hypocrite motherfucker.
I deny your god, I deny your anti-god. Now tell me, which of these two non-entities is capable of doing anything to me?
Wait, I'll answer for you: Non-entities do not do anything.
Wayne, Wayne, Wayne! Pace yourself man! You gotta make your ill-informed smug attacks one at a time! If you try and do them all at once you get them tangled. Look at this mess- wicca, satanism, atheism, all smooshed together in one statement. Don't think i'm going to bother seperating this train wreck of a post after you mangled it like that. You get a broom and clean up your own verbal debris.
"You can take your Wiccan beliefs and put em where the sun don't shine."
Germany ?
More importantly, the rapture (so I've heard) speaks of a false prophet that deceives people into thinking that they're doing the right thing, now how exactly would that exclude christianity, because you guys aren't really the epitome of moral behavior.
Indeed, Doctor Whom. It seems as though Christian fundies have a Venn diagram with the categories Wiccans, Muslims, Satanists, and other kinds of Christians, and the point where they all overlap is Atheists.
"That is why atheists are stupid. You can take your Wiccan beliefs and put em where the sun don't shine."
Sentence one doesn't exactly coincide with sentence two. Just thought I'd point that out.
"Go ahead and smirk. Satan is jumping for joy because he has so many of you deceived. Worship him, that is what he wants most, is your worship and every time you deny God you are bowing to the devil."
Who was it that supposedly gave man knowledge again? Oh, yeah, the Serpent who was later turned into Satan. If we continue down this road, Satan is responsible for every last bit of information, discovery, technology and innovation mankind has ever made. I'd say he deserves more worship than your god. At least Satan isn't documented in your book, every other page it seems, killing off his followers left and right for trifle little misdeeds.
"I hope you are happy in your self delusions."
One of us certainly seems to be. It appears to be the same one who hasn't thought their theology through very well.
Wayne, you have no idea of what Pastafarianism is. That is why fundies are stupid. You can take your fundie beliefs and put 'em where the sun don't shine. Go ahead and smirk. Satan is jumping for joy because he has so many of you deceived. Worship him. That is what he wants most: your worship; and every time you deny the Flying Spaghetti Monster you are bowing to the devil. I hope you are happy in your self-delusions.
Wiccans do not worship Satan. Only people who worship Satan do. And by logic your "they worship Satan" anyway fails. If Satan is evil but they worship what is good, and don't even acknowledge Satan then there is no devil worship. My gods are not Satan. Some are evil but I serve the ones that are just and good. And atheism =/= Wicca. Satan is jumping for joy because he has made you into an intolerant, ignorant asshole. And how do you know it isn't you deceived?
Pookums, Wiccans do believe in God, AND a Goddess. They don't believe in the amalgam that Christians created to demonise their God.
As for self delusions, you wallow in them.
"Satan is what we call the imaginary gods of other people, but our God is real."
Yeah, right!
Oh, and Wiccans are not atheists. Atheists are not Wiccan. Atheists get along better with Wiccans than Christians get along with Christians of a different theological perspective. Perhaps that is because both atheists and Wiccans can learn to love humanity.
Septic Sceptic -- "You get a broom and clean up your own verbal debris."
The broom -- properly, the besom -- is one of our ritual tools. We wouldn't want him using something of "teh Debbil", now, would we?
And to think we were supposed to outgrow this kind of playground arguments once we reached maturity.
Wayne, do know your left from your right? Go on, show me. Then explain to me why your left is different from mine when we face each other. Come on, get that brain cell working.
just because I refuse to worship your imaginary God doesn't mean I'm worshipping your imaginary devil. It would be akin to saying that if you aren't watching tv then you must be piloting a small aircraft. There are many different things one can be doing at any given time, and if someone has any sense to them then worshipping fictional characters will never be among those activites.
wait... Wicca? I hold a deep respect for those that revived a cooler religion like the Wiccans, but I still don't believe it.
Wayne's Theorem: Atheism = Wicca; Wicca = Satanism; Atheism = Satanism...(?)
I'd guess most Wiccans know more about Christianity than you do, dearie.
Atheists don't believe in the devil either, stupid, we don't need a threat to make us behave like decent human beings. We behave decently because that's how we want to be treated, and it feels good to treat others with kindness and respect.
And somewhere, across the infinite cosmos, Jesus wept, for his followers turned out to be ignorant bigots.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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