normietflthrowaway #sexist

Re: Manlet’s GF photoshops him to a taller height to increase her social media presence. Even if you ascend they’re ashamed of you.


My girlfriend [M29 F29] photoshopped a picture to make me look taller.

Basically what's in the title. But I can give some background info: my girlfriend and I have been going out for 2 years now. I'm 5'6" and she's 5'4". It's honestly been an amazing relationship from my perspective, she's my first real girlfriend and sex partner so perhaps I am biased but I have been very happy with her. She has been with a good number of guys before and it used to give me some anxiety because they were all tall (6'2'lish, approx. by their photos) and handsome, but she kept reassuring me that my height doesn't matter to her and she's matured past the point where she cares about that superficial stuff. So I got over it. And our romantic life is great, she's never given me a reason to doubt her love for me.

Men are honestly more like human trophies to modern empowered females than we are fellow human beings to them. They dont actually value us as people, they primarily value us for the feelings of social status security they feel we can offer them.

Women's increasing, hypergamy motivated height fetish proves this all too well. Tall man = Big trophy as far as they are concerned; Having a taller man than other women literally makes a lot of females feel superior and good about themselves. Guy in the post isn’t tall enough to make her look good, so she feels so insecure about this she edits him in pictures. She wants, needs a taller trophy to show off in order to feel secure with herself.

High IQ. Hardest blackpill for me.

Same. Female romantic love is a profitable myth. They never love the man, only what he does for them and when he makes them look good. We are honestly just social status objects to them: the security they feel they get for being with a guy is what mostly determines their feelings for him.

That’s why a man’s height or money are more important than who or how he is as a human being for an insane amount of them. The same men who are desperate to believe in the fantasy that is female romantic love are the same ones who stupidly refuse to recognize the completely obvious fact that the main way men have always competed for women is through signaling material and social status.

F29 and pictures of past boyfriends that mog him.

She got the wall and is need of betabuxx. Either he’s cool with being the bail out or he’s completely clueless.

He’s clueless, like most short or ugly guys with his level of optimism towards women. He won’t wake up to the truth until he gets hurt bad enough. Already starting to happen to him.

I think he feels something is amiss since he’s posting on that sub. Too bad nobody there is gonna drop the black pill on him

Even if they did he probably still wouldnt accept it. He’s gotta learn the hard way for himself, like most guys. We all start off blue pilled, we are raised to be, but on top of this we are also taught to invest our sense of self worth as men into our ability and willingness to keep women on a pedestal. Some guys get treated like shit by women for their whole life and still never figure it out, because they’d basically hate themselves just for being seriously critical of women at all.

Things are only changing today because the internet is allowing males to come together and share information, but for a lot of guys this still isn’t enough, they gotta get hurt real bad multiple times before they are able to consider taking women off that pedestal in their minds.



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