Robert Oscar Lopez #homophobia #transphobia #fundie #wingnut
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Robert Oscar Lopez says: “Because we have not had enough of the LGBT issues forced down our throats, all thirty days of June now serve as a 24-hour Orwellian bullhorn blaring gay slogans at us. Whether you are shopping for shoes, celery, or a new 401-K, every business you patronize must remind you for thirty days straight that they are enthusiastic supporters of sodomy, lesbianism, cross-dressing, and pansexuality.
“So I thought I would contribute to the ever-growing cascade of rainbow-themed content, with another listicle about ten things you should know to get through Pride Month. Here goes...”
Among the tips Lopez then goes on to explain are ‘Call your cable company and discontinue your cable service’, about which he then writes: “There are many things you can do to spend your spare time, which do not involve watching Hollywood and Manhattan liberals lie to you about the wonderful benefits that legally sanctioned sodomy brings to great nations. Make plans to do other hobbies to fill your spare time.”
Other tips include ‘Don't take calls from your pro-gay or gay relatives’, ‘Take time during June to speak positively about moral courage’ and ‘Revel in your heterosexuality during June’.
For the latter, Lopez suggests: “If you are married, make love to your spouse as much as you can. Talk to your children about how you met and fell in love. Show affection to your spouse publicly by holding hands and caressing, and giving a tactful kiss on the cheek”.
He further suggests: “Go on a date somewhere upbeat but romantic, tucked away from urban centers full of Gay Pride hysterics. LGBTs have commandeered thirty days on a calendar, but your heterosexuality is eternal and blessed - enjoy that and show it to the world.”