Order of Melchizedek #conspiracy #magick #racist #fundie atam.org
It’s 2020, but many of us are beginning to realize it feels more like what was expected in 2012. According to the Ethiopian Calendar it is 2012 based on the Mayan Calendar. Somehow those interpreting the Mayan Calendar were 8 years off. Was it intentional to change the times and seasons, so we would not know? Was it a mistake?
Seems like what was expected then is happening now. We have an invented Virus, CoVid-19 made in and by USA along with others. We are yet somewhat in a Global Quarantine, Mass House Arrest since March, psychologically most have accepted it as the norm. We have Bill Gates & others talking Mandatory Chipped Vaccine, without that mark (chip) you wont be able to travel, buy or sell. We have had Extreme weather globally. Riots and Protest are happening globally. The globally Economy is crashing and burning right before our eyes. Now we have Trump signing a Peace Treated between the Arabs & Israelis.
The Occupiers of Palestine, renamed Israel are not the genetic seed of Abraham. They are not the ones whom the prophecy spoke of for an everlasting covenant. The “Jews” there from Europe, occupying Palestine-renamed Israel are “converts to the religion of Judaism.” Historically, archeologically and genetically proven. Are we seeing the beginning of the fulfillment of Daniel’s prophecy.