
John W. Lewis #crackpot #fundie #magick #quack atam.org

This book is about the ancient Reptile/Serpent Brain in humans and its transformation. The Serpent Brain (R-complex) is the oldest part of our brain where all of our primal instincts, carnality and fears originate. We seek to show how mostly all that we perceive as evil or negative stems from ancient programming in the reptile brain based in fear. However, through deprogramming and reprogramming the Serpent Brain, we can live in what we consider the supernatural or Spirit at all time.
Now to explain this: Every part of our body is a replica or physical manifestation of something that exists in the celestial realm. The good news of the Creator’s purpose and plan is recorded throughout the human anatomy and DNA. We are awesomely and wonderfully created in the image and likeness of the Creator; although we don’t yet fully express that reality. Nevertheless, we do have a hope and promise that we will be completely restored to Edenic Consciousness, to totally operate out of the Mind of Christ at all times.
In this book, we challenge you to look at issues, perceptions, lifestyles, behaviors, religious ideas, political propaganda and hidden fears. We will not only look at them but possibly change some and come to realize the power of love that dissolves all fears. Lastly, we will show you the hidden metaphors in Scripture that hinted at the transformation of the Serpent Brain/Carnal Mind, the Pineal & Pituitary Glands. We also set this forth in mystical poetry throughout the book. “Bless the LORD O’ my soul and all that is within me bless His holy name.” Psalms 103:1 The physical and material world only reflects that of the invisible or spiritual realm. In the spirit realm the Seraph is the spiritual counterpart of our physical Serpent (reptile) Brain and brain stem. Join us on this psycho-spiritual metaphysical journey of what the Almighty has in store for you.

Order of Melchizedek/Age To Age Ministries Int'l #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #fundie #racist atam.org

The fact is, originally these secret societies and specific "family names" were so named, because of their "ancient non human bloodline." That is the main reasons for "secrecy." We also shared how in these secret societies that descended from a literal Dragon/Reptilian Race, probably from the constellation of Draco; there are what we would call good and evil Draconians. Thankfully, those that are working with the Light are in the process of overthrowing the darkness. This is what the Global Resignations of the evil Khazarian Bank CEO's and Politicians is all about.

Keep in mind that all the rulers or Emperors of Asia were and are til this day of a Dragon bloodline; sometimes the true rulers may be ruling from behind the scenes. Should we be surprised? Most of those that have ruled Europe, other western nations (America) and parts of Africa are of a Dragon/Reptilian bloodline also. This is why genealogical records proves most of them are related. The Dragon rulers have been divided between the East and West for thousands of years with sub-factions/families of half-bloods, 1/3 bloods, lesser and willing servants.

Why do we have the White Dragon Society, Red Dragon Society, Green Dragon Society, Black Dragon Society, and Dragon Families? Each of these groups are considered to be "illumined ones" Illuminati. Could it be that when the Draconians first descended on this planet, they decided who would rule certain regions? Could it be that there has been a Cosmic Sibling Rivalry being played out on the planet through the human hosts for thousands of years? Have the humans been used in proxy economic and violent warfare (nation against nation, religion against religion, race against race) at the expense of satisfying the huge ego of negative Draconians/Reptilians? Is there any end in sight for the human pin pong game? Yes! There is and there has always been a plan in place to cast down the evil Draconians that have ruled the world (gods of this world) in unrighteousness.

Order Of Melchizedek #fundie #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot #wingnut atam.org

“And there was war in heaven (space, sky): Michael and his angels (army) fought against the dragon, and the dragon: and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.” Revelation 12:7-8 Can You Say, “STAR WARS?”

The Book of Revelation is a multi-dimensional, multi-layers book. Revelation chapter 12 is what I would call super-encoded with astrology, space technology, science, metaphysics, clues about planned genocide of a specific people group, etc. etc.

Yahshua will fight against the Red Dragon-Reptilian blood-line (practically every Western European world leader, president, prime minister, royalty, CEO’s of many Corporations, especially in the fields of technology). This basically represent the USA & Western European Nations yet associated with the Crown. The only country on earth that has a Red Dragon as its official symbol is Wales. Queen Elizabeth II made it official in 1952. Where did this come from? Rome used the Red Dragon emblem. It was adopted by Britain, however, the pagans worshiped the Dragon.

The 3 great city states that basically control the world are, Vatican (religion), London (finances) and Washington DC (military). The United States is the Offspring of England and yet bows to the Crown.

The Red Dragon Society is a revived name or cover name for the Nazis (Saxons) that yet exist and have never left power. These are those that long for warfare, violence, death and blood; the color of the Red Dragon. The 7-headed Red Dragon of Revelation has affected and afflicted the whole world (7 continents) with its unjust wars, spreading diseases, occupations, politics, economic greed and false religions.

Age To Age Ministries International #fundie #conspiracy #crackpot atam.org


There is lots of fear out there of this new system. Those who are fearing will be lowering their immune system and possibly manifesting what they fear. I remember a Scripture that says, “No weapon formed against me can prosper.” What is mean to do harm to me physically, emotionally, spiritually, or mentally has no power over me, unless I give it power.

Back in 2012, when fear was rampage about the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster, Spirit spoke something very powerful to me. Over the past month, He has reminded me of it again, “RADIATION CAN BE GOOD FOR YOU…”

I have prophetically shared for many years how radiation will be used to assist in our next stage of evolution. It was literally decades ago when I started to prophesy this and into the Solar Flares and sometimes predicting exact dates they would hit and many times the Class it would be. Some of you that have followed our ministry for more than a decade know that we even encouraged you to go out and absorb into your being the highly charged solar winds and radioactive mysterious particle hitting our atmosphere. I even suggested safe “Sun Gazing” during those times. Why?

I had received a revelation from the Book of Malachi, the last written prophetic book of the Old Testament. In the 2400 year old verses are hidden mysteries and clues for today. Verse one, of the chapter 4 speaks about people being negatively affected by the radioactive ultra-violet rays of the Sun, Solar Winds, Solar Flares and perhaps other things in space emitting radiation on the Earth.

The ones mostly affected were low vibrational people, in biblical terminology; the arrogant, evildoers and wicked people. What does all these people have in common? FEAR. The behavior of arrogant prideful people is rooted in Fear. The have to convince themselves they are superior to others because deep inside they are insecure and afraid. People do evil acts based on Fear, fear of not having enough, being overlooked or losing something they feel entitled to. All sorts of wickedness is rooted in Fear.

How will 5G affect you? If you choose to live in Fear or any of the lower vibrational behaviors rooted in Fear, the Scripture say the heat will burn those people up. They will be impacted by the radiation from the Sun or anything emitting that type of frequency from space. Get rid of Fear. Perfect love drives out all fear, fear causes torment. The opposite frequencies of Fear are Faith & Love. No doubt that many will be impacted negatively by radiation from the Sun, 5G and other Nuclear Radiation. Do you choose to be one of them?

“But to you that respect my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings (healing rays/emission);”

Can you see it? That same energy from space that harms some, will bring healing to others. Those who reverence and live out from the divine nature will receive that.

John Lewis #fundie #ufo #magick #crackpot atam.org

Since my early teen years, I started to have out of the body experiences. I could literally travel and visit people, come back into my body, call them describing what they were doing, wearing or give descriptions of inside a house I had never been in. In those days it was more of a game. After I had an electrifying Christ encounter, I yet traveled from time to time, but the OBE’s were for specific purposes, usually messages about future events.
Around 1999, when I sat down to write “Secrets of the Cherubim – A Journey in the Heavens,” that’s exactly what it became. I unintentionally traveled multiple times into the heavens through the constellations and Zodiac belt. The Cherubim made themselves known and visible to me. Most of this book is channeled messages directly from the Cherubim. These messages became the basis for most of my mystical writings and other books (TribeOscope & Serpent Brain). It also became the basis of many of my messages I have taught/preached, since my encounters with the Cherubim. Enter your journey through the Flaming Sword that turns each direction – the Sword is only pointing the Way, not obstructing the Way. After reading this book, expect the Cherubim to come to you in your dreams, visions or literally. “God rode on a Cherub, and flew. Yes, he was seen on the wings of the wind.” 2 Samuel 22:11

Order Of Melchizedek #crackpot #ufo #fundie #magick atam.org

It was September 4, 2012 when we first reported on this fascinating subjection of giant Pyramids in Antarctica in our old website, which is no longer functional.

Jesus told us that, everything which has been hidden would be revealed, that which is covered will be uncovered. We are in the time of full disclosure of All things.

It was June 26, 2012 that we reported in our Blog on the discovery of a Giant Crystal Pyramid sitting on the ocean floors off the coast of Bermuda. This is the area where airplanes have disappeared out of the sky and ships have vanished without a trace from the ocean for many decades. Where would humans have gotten the technology to build a giant pyramid made out of crystal underwater?
Some believe this to be evidence of the ancient Island Continent of Atlantis, which was made up of multiple islands. This could have been an advance Pre-Adamic Genesis chapter 2 creation, of highly advance beings on the planet, which were destroyed in a Pre-Noahic Flood. There is also the possibility that this Pre-Adamic civilization was alive during the accounts of Genesis Chapters 3-6 and were destroyed during the biblical Flood of Noah.
I find the story exciting of pyramids beings exposed by the melting ice of Antarctica for several reasons. One is because, I have long believed, since reading stories as a child; that there is yet a civilization existing inner earth near the South Pole. Could it be a civilization from a distant planet that have the technology to live “inner earth”? Could it be remnants from a more advanced civilization that was created prior the Genesis chapter 2 Adam and Eve? For sure we know that civilization and the planet Earth is more than 6000-10,000 years old. One problem with Creationist belief is, they don’t realize that the Genesis chapter 2 Adam, WAS NOT the first creation of the Elohim (Gods)- it was the last – so far, on this planet (not counting the last Adam Christ).

Order of Melchizedek #conspiracy #magick #racist #fundie atam.org

It’s 2020, but many of us are beginning to realize it feels more like what was expected in 2012. According to the Ethiopian Calendar it is 2012 based on the Mayan Calendar. Somehow those interpreting the Mayan Calendar were 8 years off. Was it intentional to change the times and seasons, so we would not know? Was it a mistake?

Seems like what was expected then is happening now. We have an invented Virus, CoVid-19 made in and by USA along with others. We are yet somewhat in a Global Quarantine, Mass House Arrest since March, psychologically most have accepted it as the norm. We have Bill Gates & others talking Mandatory Chipped Vaccine, without that mark (chip) you wont be able to travel, buy or sell. We have had Extreme weather globally. Riots and Protest are happening globally. The globally Economy is crashing and burning right before our eyes. Now we have Trump signing a Peace Treated between the Arabs & Israelis.
The Occupiers of Palestine, renamed Israel are not the genetic seed of Abraham. They are not the ones whom the prophecy spoke of for an everlasting covenant. The “Jews” there from Europe, occupying Palestine-renamed Israel are “converts to the religion of Judaism.” Historically, archeologically and genetically proven. Are we seeing the beginning of the fulfillment of Daniel’s prophecy.

Order Of Melchizedek #fundie #magick #crackpot atam.org

What do you see around you? You are in your living room, office, kitchen, car or outside somewhere. What do you see? Is that all you see? Look closely, is all that you think you see all that is truly there? What if there’s more, much more? What if there is unbelievable activity of past, present and future taking place all around you? What if somehow you could see some of the invisible activity around you in various forms; silhouettes, shadows, lights, orbs, or actual images, would you like to?

Quantum physics tell us that the human body is 99.9999% empty space or energy and that there is less that 1% of us that’s really matter or appears as solid. This is also true for the planet and everything on it and also the universe.

In all this open space there are unseen worlds closely layered one on top of the other. These worlds are called “planes” or “dimensions.” They are all existing simultaneously in the same space, side by side and what would appear as on top of each other. In these worlds are other humans, those we think of as dead, animals, creatures, angelic orbs, angels, aliens, demons, gods, nature and material things. Each of these worlds vibrate at a specific frequency, thus, making it difficult to see, hear, smell, taste or touch the many worlds existing all around us, if we’re not on that frequency. (It kinda like a dog, whose hearing is designed to hear at a pitch or frequency outside what is normal for humans.) The frequency barriers tightly lock up and set apart each world, universe, multi-verse or plane of reality with its own signature frequency. To further explain, for example, if Earth’s frequency and the inhabitants of it is vibrating at 7.5 Mhz, we probably wont be able to see a world occupying our same space that may be vibrating at 10.2 Mhz, even though it is right in front of it.

Yahshua (Jesus) taught this, “Change your mind (brain wave pattern which is determined by what you are thinking), the kingdom of heaven is at hand (in your reach, at the tips of your finger).” Matthew 4:17 “Except a person is born-again, he can not SEE the kingdom of God.” John 3:3
“For in Him are All things, visible and invisible, are held together.” Colossians 1:16-17

In just these passages of Scripture alone, we can understand and innerstand that the Bible teaches quantum physics. Clearly, Yahshua taught the 5 sense realm (sight, touch, etc) could not experience another plane of existence or dimension operating in my space until my signature brain and body frequency is changed to match the frequency the kingdom of God vibrates on. “The kingdom of God is not out there in the sky, or over there in Palestine, you can’t see it while you are vibrating on your signature or mass consciousness frequency, but it is within you and all around you.” Luke 17:21 OMV

When we experience what we call the supernatural or paranormal, it is because our vibratory frequency has been raised or lowered. What I mean by this is, there are many planes of existence vibrating at a higher faster frequency than ours, but there are also many planes vibrating at a lower slower frequency than ours. These can be considered as other worlds, other Earths, duplicates of this one, a mirror image of everything here. Due to the choices made by some of the people on other Earths’ existing in alternate realities, it may be operating on a lower or higher frequency than ours. This is the same for all the planets and the universe/multiverses.

“God spoke to our fathers through the prophets. But in these last days He has spoken to us by His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, and through whom He made the worlds. The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of His nature, upholding all things by His powerful word.” Hebrews 1:1-3

When someone’s frequency is raised or lower they are allowed to peer into different realms or dimensions. We are allowed to feel, sense, taste, smell or hear what is in other dimensions. The goal should be to always ascend higher into less dense existences and frequencies. However, there may be times when it is necessary to descend in order to correct, adjust or close specific doors or pathways.


Sometimes a traumatic injury can trigger a change in the set vibrational frequency for this planet’s space and your body. A head injury, heart injury, near death experience, death experience, extreme emotional or mental break and sometimes drugs will reset a persons brain wave, heart rhythm wave or bio-rhythm wave, thus, allowing them to experience things outside the signature frequency of this planet’s space or normal body frequency. The brain is electric, the heart is electric, the body is electric and one glitch in the hardware can open the window for other programs (frequencies) to operate.

There are many stories of people who have been in an accident, injured or had surgery and afterwards developed what is called “psychic abilities.” They found themselves being visited by angels, aliens, hearing voices, seeing into other realms, became religious/spiritual and are filled with a passion to help others. What happened? They are now accessing information from higher dimensions, there’s been a rip or tear in the vibrational fabric they had been confined to. In Christian terminology, they are seeing or hearing in the Spirit, accessing the Spirit-realm.

Unfortunately, there are a few others that have a traumatic experience and when they come through it, their abilities appear to be darker. Depression, darkness, hopelessness, fear and addictions seem plague them. A tear in their vibrational fabric seems to have open the door for nightmares and tormenting spirits/entities. In Christian terminology, a window or door has been open to the demonic realm. There is hope. The tear can be fixed, the door or window can be closed and their vibrational frequency can be reset and even raised higher than before. “You must be born-again.”

Spiritual encounters are another way we move beyond the set vibrational frequency of our being and planetary space. A genuine born-again encounter with the Creator creates a tear into 3 dimensional vibrational fabric, allowing those who pursue spirituality to experience frequent encounters with the many worlds existing all around us and in us. Fasting, prayer, singing, meditation, loving and speaking living words are all keys to accessing the many powerful positive planes of existence. Spiritual encounters reset the Parietal Lobe and Olfactory systems of the brain, allowing one to use all the senses at a higher frequency, the frequencies of other dimensions or planes of existence.

Order Of Melchizedek #fundie #ufo #crackpot atam.org

“Eye know we are in an awesome period of time, where the hidden deep mysteries are being revealed as Yahushua (Jesus) said it would be. Deep is calling unto deep and the deep is answering. Can you hear it? Now that they are admitting there is an ocean beneath the surface of the earth, will they eventually admit to the “inner Earth civilizations” (IT’s = Inner Terrestrials) ? Will they admit that there’s a Sun in the Earth’s core and an atmosphere for those that dwell within? That would mean they’d have to admit that much of the science about our planet given to us for the past few hundred years was fabricated. “

When I see major events or discoveries in the media, my mind searches for where in the Bible this might be confirmed. I am convinced that every major discoveries or event can be traced to something recorded in the Bible. An ancient Earth within the Earth, wouldn’t this prove the Hollow Earth theory? Here are some scriptures in the Bible that seen to support this: After Cain killed his brother Abel, he was sentenced to live in the “inner earth”. It ‘s been there in the Bible all this time.

“And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother’s blood from thy hand; When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth.

And Cain said unto the LORD, My punishment is greater than I can bear. Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the Surface of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass, that every ne that findeth me shall slay me.

And the LORD said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the LORD set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.

And Cain went out from the presence of the LORD, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden. Genesis 4:11-16

The above verses clearly states that Cain was driven from the face or surface of the Earth. He thought that God’s Presence was not in the subterranean realms, but there is no place where the Supreme Creator is not. This Inner Earth civilization that seems to have existed before the creation of the Genesis chapter 2 Adam, was called the Land of Nod. It was located east of the literal place called Eden. At least one portal to access it was there. This was an advanced civilization that seem to have had access to the surface world also. It would also appear that the Inner Earth civilization did not take to kindly to strangers from the surface dropping in and they were prone to violence. Perhaps this is why Cain was sentence there, because of his violent act. Cain was aware of them and was afraid they might kill him. This is where Cain got his wife and started his family.

Cain, who was already from the seed of the Serpent (Reptilian) of Genesis 3, making him a hybrid, now takes his hybrid genetics to what some of the ancients called Agartha, the inner earth. As if they didn’t have enough problems, the genetics of the inner earth people became contaminated with the serpent seed bloodline. We are not for sure what other bloodlines may have already existed among the inner earth civilizations.

We might as well clarify Genesis chapter 3. The Reptilian being called the Serpent was anatomically equipped to mate with humans, as were the “sons of God” -“angels” of Genesis 6. Both the Reptilians and Angels (sons of God) are extraterrestrial biological entities, meaning they came from other worlds/planets and possibly inner earth – Ancient Earth as our modern scientist refer to it. The Serpent most likely came from somewhere in the Draco star system. Mother Eve was impregnated by the Serpent, she touched and ate the fruit, then she shared it with Adam possibly minutes, hours or a few days later and got pregnant again. She possibly became pregnant with fraternal twins, Cain and Abel.

This is confirmed when God spoke to the Serpent/Reptilian.

Order Of Melchizedek #fundie #magick #ufo #crackpot atam.org

The technology and science you see being used today that claims to be the result of recent breakthroughs in science is at least 40 years old. There have been discoveries on the planet left by ancient civilizations that were very technologically advanced, that we benefit from today. There is also reverse engineered technology from crashed space crafts (UFO’s), as well as an exchange of technology from various alien races visiting the planet. We, the people do not get to see, enjoy and benefit from the technology that would liberate humanity…yet.

For many years I have spoken that the Chemtrails we see in the sky are not placed there just to make us sick, but they are concealing something they don’t want us to see along with changing the planet at the same time. This is where we go deeper into the rabbit hole and I am thought to be making up conspiracy theories by some. The Chemtrails serve multiple purposes; apart from making people sick. I don’t claim to know all of them, but one has been recently confirmed, that I have long stated.

#1) I have felt for some time that there is a massive Geoengineering Program taking place and our planet is being terraformed. All the major and western nations are in agreement. Why? A short quick answer. As we have been stating for many years, the elite are preparing the planet to be ruled by the losing side (fallen angels/aliens). They need the atmosphere to be changed in order to live here. They and their human and hybrid counterparts on Earth are too arrogant to accept they will not prevail. One of the main purposes for CERN’s existence is to open portals and bring in Nephilim overlords and Fallen Angels/Aliens imprisoned and trapped, in the 4th dimension and other realms. They want to return to rule the planet, as in pre-Flood times, and our solar system; as gods of this world. They forget, “The Earth is Yahweh’s (the LORD) and all that dwells within it.” There are many prophecies in the Bible that foretell of the kings of Earth actually wanting to make war with Yahweh in a battle that will take place in the literal heavens (sky, space). Here are a few:

“Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying, He that sits in the heavens shall laugh:the Lord shall have them in derision.” Psalms 2

“These 10 kings shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.” Revelation 17:14

#2) The hi-tech ships (UFO’s) flying in our atmosphere are moving about more frequently during the daylight hours. The Chemtrails are sprayed to conceal the increasingly heavy traffic, making them hard to be seen in our atmosphere. Just about a week or so ago, two pilots flying over Arizona witnessed a fast moving craft. Finally, they are allowing reported sightings by pilots to make headline news.

#3) I have recent learned that the Chemtrails are also being used to conceal a giant New Planetary Bodies that’s becoming more obvious as they get closer to Earth in our solar system. They wont be hid for much longer, as you will clearly see in the recent videos below. There is a reason behind the early morning, odd hours and evening layers of Chemtrails blanketing our skies. (Thanks James Triplett for the video)


Have you heard of NASA’s Sun Simulator? About 20,000 ft in the sky is a Sun Simulator that tracks the movement of the Sun and mimics it. If at times the Sun seems smaller or larger or somewhat distorted from it’s spherical shape, you are most likely seeing the hexagon shaped Sun Simulator. Other countries such as Germany and China also have giant Sun Simulators. Germany recently launched the world’s largest Sun Simulator. Why would we need to have a Sun Simulator? There are many reasons science will give us, but one of the main reasons at this time is to further conceal the New Planetary System of gigantic planets that have entered our inner solar system and will soon be seen by all.

Here is an excerpt from a message Eye shared in 2012: Spirit gave me a prophetic revelation of the family of Jacob Israel, showing me some astro-science hidden in it. Eye knew by revelation that at least (3) celestial bodies had to come into our solar system to represent Jacob’s first wife Leah and the two handmaidens Zilpah and Bilhah. (Don’t forget Dinah, Jacob’s daughter) It was not unto 2012, the confirmation came.

“For many years Eye have been seeing in visions and announcing that there would be new planetary bodies coming into our inner solar system. Over the past few years, astronomers and researchers, which are not bought and paid for by NASA; have been reporting that other planets are coming into our inner solar system.

There will be at least 3 planetary bodies come into our inner solar system. Leah, Zilpah and Bilhah must come and be recognized as part of this celestial family. The formation they will be seen will be Zilpah, Bilhah and Leah, they might be accompanied by other satellites, brown dwarf or planetary bodies that might possibly make up 7 in their system. This could possibly be what is being called the Nibiru solar system or Nibiru Rising

Order of Melchizedek #conspiracy atam.org

Over the years we have asked the question, Is there a secret colony on Mars? We have even made statements that there is, based on what we have researched and heard from others. We know that the current technology available to the public today is around 30-50 years old. It is evident by simply watching the early Star Trek films and other Hollywood science fiction films from at least 30 years ago. Gene Roddenberry and science fiction writers/directors were and are being used to disclose the technology of Black Projects and to prepare your mind what the future, which is now. Evidence of a Secret Colony on Mars has sparked the interest of UFO Researchers around the world. Recent whistle-blower revelations from President Eisenhower’s great granddaughter and others give renewed credence to the evidence that planet Mars is being prepared as a SURVIVAL COLONY in the face of imminent catastrophic events that may decimate the population of planet Earth. This film presence the best evidence available that there is indeed Life on Mars. Enjoy this very powerful and informative documentary sent to us by my brother Buddy, the Buddha from Mississippi. http://buddyhuggins.blogspot.com/ Share this with all you know, Order of Melchizedek We Accept Donations For Our Non Profit Work. Thank...

Order of Melchizedek #conspiracy atam.org

Do you remember Nurse Jacintha Saldanha? She allegedly committed suicide in December 2012, she was the nurse of Duchess Kate. Eye shared that it was not a suicide, that she was killed because she discovered the baby forming in the womb of the Duchess was NOT Human, rather, it was a Reptile hybrid. Yes you read it correctly. A Reptilian-hybrid. Here is an excerpt of what Eye wrote:

“Most people have forgotten or did not connect the dots, back in early December 2012 the nurse for Duchess Kate committed suicide, or so we were told. Jacintha Saldanha, the nurse was found unconscious just days after she discovered something. The cover story that most people believed was that this nurse did not recognize a “prank call” and patched it through. The Duchess medical condition of “morning sickness” was revealed. As a result of the embarrassment and somehow jeopardizing the extremely vulnerable nearly 3 months pregnant Kate—the nurse was so distraught that she did what any normal person would do. She killed herself. Of course, leaving behind (2) wonderful teen-age kids and a loving husband. Yes, that’s right, more concerned about a prank call that led the world to knowing the Duchess had “morning sickness,” than for her family; she killed herself.

That story was so far out, but people actually believed it. I am sure the royals laughed their royal toushies off at how gullible the public is. They have come to realize that the more bizarre the cover story is, the more believable it will be—Did she accidentally or snooped and saw a non-human entity or hybrid entity forming in the womb of Duchess Kate? Did she read some medical test results that were abnormal? Nurse Jacintha Saldanha was suicided (murdered to make it look like a suicide) in such a way to send a message to anyone else she might have told about what she had learned. Think! She had access to pills, injections and sharp objects at a hospital. According to them she hung herself. The beginnings of this child (hybrid) is already connected to murder, death. Can you read the signs? ARE YOU AWAKE YET??!!!

Yes, the royal families that everybody is awe-struck with are nothing more than a brood of reptiles-lizards, covered in human like flesh. What was born a few days ago is nothing more than another hybrid reptile, you must see beyond what some consider as the beautiful outside. The powerful leader of this brood has been around much longer than most realize. She is none other than the Queen Mother, Queen Elizabeth II“

The complete message and other links can be found @ http://atam.org/RoyalBaby.html

To really get an understanding of what you just read in the excerpt or link and the link confirming this below, you will have to take another serious, deeper look at Genesis 3. You would have to moved from the nice Sunday School version that serves as a good foundation. That Genesis chapter 3 event did take place, but hidden in those verses is prophetic past & future insight of what has happened, is happening on the planet and what will happen. There are also clues revealing powerful beings that came from planets in the constellation of Draco. The Reptile/Serpent in Genesis chapter 3 is also a metaphor for an extraterrestrial highly intelligent race of beings called Reptilians that have manipulated the genetics of humans and subjugated us for a very long time. These beings are also referred to in Christian/Judaic/Muslim terminology as satan, devils.

(Where do you think the term Draconian Law comes from? We are seeing this especially in western nations.)
Understanding this will unlock the mysteries of many hidden things in the Scriptures. Revelation chapter 12 speaks of what will soon happen to this evil race of beings that will have a profound positive affect on humanity.

Now let’s look at what more are beginning to realize. The Royals are being exposed for the slimy hybrid snakes they really are. This is one of the things that caused the murder of Princess Diana. Be enlightened by this information in the link below. Thanks James Triplett for sending me this confirmative article.:

unknown #conspiracy atam.org

Isaiah's description of the Seraphim, a Reptilian-Dragon race of angelic beings is very interesting and leads us to believe they are also Extraterrestrial Biological Entities (EBE's) and not etheric being. We are not told the size of these beings, but they can speak, they have hands, 6-wings, a face and genitalia. (scroll up and read Isaiah's description again. Oh, you didn't see the genitalia part)?