[On Ian Thrope coming out as gay]
The only ones who place any importance on these periodic public outings seem to be gays. It has become tiresome and almost passé to people not involved in your personal affairs and lifestyle. If your truly proud of being gay and feel it's perfectly normal why do you feel you have to convince everyone else? Since when does pride in oneself have to be proven or approved by others? Like it or not it seems that your the intolerant ones. Your agenda is to force the majority of your fellow citizens to think just like you and to just put up with your insolence and bullying. Do you really think that by mocking straight people and traditional institutions such as marriage, the military and competitive sports that you'll be more accepted? You may want to rethink your strategy as it appears to have many similarities and tactics of another group of bullies who without question do not accept you. That group being Muslim extremists.
You are perfectly free.
To be as intolerant as you want.
We are perfectly free.
To call you out on it.
The first amendment does not give you a free pass to avoid criticism. It gives you legal protection so that you can't be arrested for ideas you have. This is a limitation intended to make sure that no opinion, political or otherwise, can be suppressed by the governmenwhoa, whoa, whoa, what do Muslim extremists have to do with anything?
Asking for equality doesn't equate to intolerance: preventing homosexuals from being comfortable to say that they're gay, if they're athletes or in the military or whatever, and not allowing homosexuals the opportunity to get married is intolerance. Got it?
The only ones who place any importance on these periodic public outings seem to be gays.
Go and spend a little while at AFA, WND, Free Republic, or BarbWire. And Muslim extremists are of one mind with you when it comes to LGBT people; you might profit from learning something about them, too.
And while you're doing a little studying, why not brush up on your English?
Isn't that just how it always goes with fundies?
"IT'S A SIN! YOU'RE GOING TO HELL, FAGGOT! YOU SHOULD BE PUT TO DEATH! YOU'LL- ... what? Hm. Public opinion seems to have turned against me. Well as I was saying, I don't know why you keep talking about, acting like it's some brave thing to come out. Why are you so focused on something that no one cares about? Can't you just be proud of who you are on your own? You people are so intolerant of our privately held beliefs. Bunch of bullies is what you are."
Why the need for pride parades? Because people like you want gays to hate themselves and try to convince them to be ashamed of being who they are. Your post wasn't even a halfway competent attempt at a DARVO. So they have a parade. That makes them bullies? Nobody is forcing you to agree with them. Meanwhile, they really ARE bullied by bigots.
Only to a fundie does, "Yes, I'm gay," mean, "I'm intolerant and forcing my agenda on everyone by mocking straight people, straight marriage, the military and sports."
I wish we could find that bullshit translator in their head and shut it off.
If not for all the Christian homophobic persecution of gay people, they wouldn't have any need to come out. Instead, it would just be who they are. So ironically Christians are complaining about gay people publicly coming out about their sexuality when it was the Christians themselves who caused the need for such announcements.
Male athlete mentions girlfriend = mildly cute and mundane bit of news.
Male athlete mentions boyfriend = TAKING A COLOSSAL DUMP ON ALL SPORTS EVER AND BULLYING STRAIGHT PEOPLE and this just in: A is totally ignoring it as the not-news it really is because it's so pointless. A's so tolerant, why can't the mean bullies just quit making a big scene and go back to staying in hiding forever like straight people don't?
I see a double-standard and loooots of projection...
You call gay people wanting to marry, serve their country in the military and participate in sports "mocking" those institutions, yet you can't understand the need for gay pride? Can you even tie your own shoe laces?
Like often those days, the WTF lies in the last words. Until then, it was just a strong opinion, with wich I somewhant disagree(not even strongly), but nothing bad.
and BLAM! compares gays with extremists. WTH?????
I refer you to the next FSTDT post above this one.
This mocking of institutions you speak of- that would be wanting to participate in them, right?
I find it difficult to stomach your wilful ignorance and bigotry immediately after having read the above-mentioned post. let it rest that you and those like you nauseate me.
Anonymous Coward #1687286:
Now you're boring AND an outright liar.
We have quotes from antigay Muslims & Jews, too.
It's just that, in most English-speaking countries, Christians are the overwhelming religious majority. They get more "air time," so to speak, because most anti-gay bigots in the English-speaking world happen to be Christian. This is especially true in the US, where almost all of the anti-gay crowd identifies as some stripe of Christian (with a handful of exceptions).
But actually noticing that would require some honesty & integrity on your part, instead of bearing false witness & slinging juvenile insults from behind a variety of non-names.
I guess you just don't have the strength of character or the conviction to actually create a login name, though. Common behaviour amongst internet "tough-guy" cowards.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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