As far as I know, Atheism is a recognized religion in the U.S. So one religion doesn't like the idea another religion gets people together and exercise their constitution rights to gather together and pray.
A definition of Atheism says they don't acknowledge the existence of a God. They know it exists but don't want to acknowledge it exists. Sounds like they have a God in their beliefs that they live by.
"...they don't acknowledge the existence of a God. They know it exists but don't want to acknowledge it exists..."
Now read that, over and over until you understand it.
Nope, it doesn't make any sense to me either. If we "know" there's a god, we wouldn't be atheists. Stop telling me what I think, because you obviously have no idea.
So one religion doesn't like the idea another religion gets people together and exercise their constitution rights
Right! So let's hear that atheist commencement speech at the local high school graduarion next year. Using their own logic, it shouldn't disturb any Christians. Or don't they like the idea of another religion getting people together and exercising their constitution rights?
And look at all those atheist monuments all over the place. The government can put up an atheist monument anytime they want: it costs nothing, uses no space, can be planned and erected within seconds, yet once in place can never be reomved.
"As far as I know,"
Wrong from the get-go. Atheism isn't a religion. Same way 'theism' isn't a religion.
Some courts have decided that the RIGHT to be an atheist, and practice atheism, should be as protected as the right to any form of theism. So, close, sort of, but wrong.
And your belief I have a god in my beliefs is of less concern to me than your belief that an invisible force of infinite wisdom watches you masturbate and thinks poorly of you.
Well, if Atheism is a religion, then where is our Tax Exemption?
And as the likes of you are so enthusiastic about saying that we are a religion, then you can prove that: by unchaining your wallets and paying us the tax rebate due to us: untold billions, if not trillions .
(*Crickets chirp *)
...thought not.
So much for your 'argument', then.
You don't know much, do ya, honey-bun?
Religions don't have constitution rights, people do.
That's a very strange definition; have you invented it yourself?
Most real atheists find no evidence for the existence of any gods, goddesses or other deities.
Okay, I'm not an atheist, but I think I understand the concept. They don't believe in any gods. At all. Not that they just refuse to acknowledge one, but don't believe that any exist. I know that concept is a little advanced for you, but it's true.
Also, again, the lack of religion is not a religion by definition. That's like saying a vacuum (the state, not the device you use on your carpet) is a type of atmosphere. Or that darkness is a type of light. Then again, for all I know, you believe these things. In which case, I certainly hope you're not allowed sharp objects.
@ Azereaux- I would prefer this dimwit be allowed near sharp objects. He'd kill himself long before he could injure anyone else, & that's what we really want, the truly stupid people to remove themselves from the gene pool. It saves us the trouble, plus it's amusing to read about. Everyone loves the Darwin Awards, except the winners of course. I like to think of it as passive eugenics.
"As far as I know"
Not very far, is it?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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