AdorableYak11 #transphobia

I am starting to despise my husband

I feel like he ruined my whole fucking life. He wants to be a woman. After six fucking years of being together he wants to be a woman. And he wants to be a lesbian as well. He wants us to be a lesbian couple.

And now I'm stuck at home 24/7 looking at my husband skip around in dresses and skirts while he wears fake silicone boobs under his bra. And the voice he puts on. Jesus Christ. I've tried so fucking hard to get him to go to therapy with me because our marriage is absolutely without a doubt FAILING but he doesn't want to. Doesn't think it's a good idea to have someone else involved. "They'll just turn us against each other" he says, hahahha well fuck me then, I guess I'm just fucking stuck in my now miserable goddamn marriage with my husband who can't go a day without putting on a dress.

I'm so fucking done. I'm 26. I'm an ADULT. And I want to have a happy marriage. One that works. One that's normal. One that doesn't make me so fucking miserable. I married a man. That's what I signed up. That's gone now.

Fuck. Rant over. Sorry for the swearing.



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