Jared Taylor #conspiracy #pratt #racist amren.com
If some Mexican-Americans have their way, they will not have to go back to be buried; Mexico will come to them. What is called the Reconquista movement aims to break the Southwest off from the United States and reattach it to Mexico or even establish it as an independent, all-Hispanic nation.
The spirit of conquest need not be limited to the Southwest. Mass immigration, and the unwillingness of native-born Americans to insist on assimilation by newcomers leaves the impression the whole country is up for grabs.
Many Mexican intellectuals eagerly anticipate Reconquista. According to one newspaper report:
The Mexican writer Elena Poniatowska affirmed today that Mexico is presently recovering the territories lost in the past to the United States, thanks to emigration: ‘The people of the poor, the lice-ridden and the cucarachas [cockroaches] are advancing in the United States, a country that wants to speak Spanish because 33.4 million Hispanics impose their culture.’ Ms. Poniatowska added that ‘this phenomenon . . . fills me with jubilation, because the Hispanics can have a growing force between Patagonia and Alaska.’
It is official Mexican government policy to urge Mexicans living in the United States to remain loyal to Mexico. In 2002, the administration of Vicente Fox established the Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior to promote “a more comprehensive approach” to promoting Mexican loyalty.
One Instituto official, Juan Hernández, typifies its approach. Born in the United States, and therefore a US citizen, he makes no secret of where his real loyalties lie. On ABC’s Nightline on June 7, 2001, he was candid about his goals: “I want the third generation, the seventh generation, I want them all to think ‘Mexico first.’” He has also explained that Mexican immigrants are unlike Europeans because they “are going to keep one foot in Mexico” and that they “are not going to assimilate in the sense of dissolving into not being Mexican.”