Meghan McCain, the Senator’s daughter, seems to make much of the fact that she’s 24, as if that alone somehow validates her opinions, even on timeless moral truths like the sanctity of marriage. So I posted these questions to Meghan McCain on my Facebook page:
What gives your generation (Gen Y) the right to change God’s transcendent moral code by radically redefining the institution of marriage? What new insights on the morality of homosexuality led you to contradict the thousands of years of Biblical understanding on this point?
Later we’ll discuss why Meghan is not a good role model for young people insofar as her brand of “open-minded Christianity” has no basis in Scripture and jettisons the wisdom of the past. Here’s a theoretical pondering of Meghan on God’s created ordering of the sexes: “OK, God, I know you — like— created man and woman and everything and I’m totally into the Bible, but, ya know, since I’m 24 and I’m like — so in tune with the young people of this country and what they’re thinking — ya know — we think if two people love each other — it’s like — what’s-the-big-deal — I mean — why shouldn’t they be able to get married?! That’s not fair!”
"Biblical understanding"
And here's why Peter LaBarbarera is not a good role for young people. His sick thinking is based in the vile Old Testament (like most fundies) and IGNORES COMPLETELY the teachings of Jesus. I'd like to know what gives Peter LarBarbarera the right to condemn Meghan McCain and others who advocate for the rights of homosexuals to be treated as human beings, something Mr. LaBarbarera opposes.
"What gives your generation (Gen Y) the right to change God’s transcendent moral code by radically redefining the institution of marriage? What new insights on the morality of homosexuality led you to contradict the thousands of years of Biblical understanding on this point? "
What gives you the right to define marriage in the first place? You seem to make much of the fact that your imaginary spook said something a long time ago, as if this somehow validates your opinion, even when it contradicts observable reality.
"Biblical understanding"
"Wisdom of the past"
Please, stop, you're killig me...
Have you noticed many websites that boldly claims they stand for the Truth about something are other, are usually full of lies and misrepresentations to back some point of view that is on very dodgy ground to begin with. Usually with the intent to justify their bigotted, racist or homophobic stance.
Anyone mind if I quote Bob Dylan here?
Come mothers and fathers throughout the land
And don't criticize what you can't understand.
Your sons and your daughters are beyond your command.
Your old road is rapidly fading.
Please get out of the new one if you can't lend a hand.
For the times they are a-changing.
Yeah, what the hell is the big deal?
I really don't get how hardcore fundies can care so much of what others do.
What new insights on the morality of homosexuality led you to contradict the thousands of years of Biblical understanding on this point?
Your assuming those of us in favor of same-sex marriage give a flying fuck what Bronze Age Middle Eastern goat herders had to say on the subject.
“OK, God, I know you
created man and woman and everything and I’m totally into the Bible, but, ya know, since I’m 24 and I’m like
so in tune with the young people of this country and what they’re thinking
ya know
we think if two people love each other
it’s like what’s-the-big-deal
I mean why shouldn’t they be able to get married?! That’s not fair!”
I had no idea that Ms. McCain was a Valley Girl, but, like, whatever!
What gives your generation (Gen Y) the right to change God’s transcendent moral code by radically redefining the institution of marriage? What new insights on the morality of homosexuality led you to contradict the thousands of years of Biblical understanding on this point?
This is the shittiest question in the history of shitty questions
"What gives your generation (Gen Y) the right to change God’s transcendent moral code by radically redefining the institution of marriage?"
Well, she lives in the 21st century for a start, not the 12th like you.
Since everyone who posted before me in this thread has covered and rebutted Peter's bullshit as thoroughly as I ever could, I have but one thing to add to this thread:
Mmmm. Meghan McCain. *pant, pant, pant*
"All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression."
"Every generation needs a new revolution. "
"I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past. "
- Thomas Jefferson
This reaches new depths of Not Getting It. Meghan McCain said nothing like "I'm right because I'm 24." What she's been saying is that the Republican party has to grasp that gay marriage isn't a hot-button issue for her generation, so harping on it will only speed the decline of the party's influence.
LaBarbera's cluelessness makes me smile. Anything that further exposes the right wing as a bunch of irrelevant, delusional old assholes is fine by me.
You think anyone would even want to go to your site? Only those who are looking for extracts like this that so you to be a self-deluded fool.
Your Bible is a self-verifying piece of waste paper and you use circular argument to try to prove it's inerrant - like the Pope is supposed to be infallible. No difference. You, the Bible and the Pope are idiotic to expect thinking people to fall for your trick. There is no evidence that any one, or all three of you are right about anything.
It gets really old having older people tell you you're not old enough to know this or that or make this or that decision [for YOURSELF, not someone else even] or whatever. She's 24, she's old enough to have advanced pretty far through a postsecondary education and old enough to have spent a good deal of time reading and thinking about these issues. You don't have to be old to know when something is right or wrong.
You're absolutely right, Peter LaBarbera.
Let's go back to the Bible, which defines marriage as a sacred union between one man and as many women as he can pay the Bride Price for.
abolishing slavery also has no basis in the bible.
Same goes for the modern custom of letting the civilians (men, women, chnildren as well as the cattle) in a conquered city live an be free.
Normal biblical custom would be to kill all humans in a conquered city and only let the virgins live, so that they can be turned into slaves.
I wonder why you don´t complain that these gems of biblical morale aren't used nowadays anymore ;)
It hurts, doesn't it Peter?
Generation Y is where your bigotry reaches it's dead in.
You guys lost the culture wars!
OK, God, I know you
created man and woman and everything and I’m totally into the Bible, but, ya know, since I’m 24 and I’m like
so in tune with the young people of this country and what they’re thinking
ya know
we think if two people love each other
it’s like what’s-the-big-deal
I mean why shouldn’t they be able to get married?! That’s not fair!”
The 80s called. They want the valley girl speak back.
"Here’s a theoretical pondering of Meghan on God’s created ordering of the sexes: “OK, God, I know you
created man and woman and everything and I’m totally into the Bible, but, ya know, since I’m 24 and I’m like
so in tune with the young people of this country and what they’re thinking
ya know
we think if two people love each other
it’s like what’s-the-big-deal
I mean why shouldn’t they be able to get married?! That’s not fair!”"
The Strawman Strikes Back ! :P
So you're saying that because she is younger than you, a girl, and that you mock her by making her sound like a clueless bimbo, it makes her wrong?
Hash: SHA256
Which version of the bible is being referred to about again?
Which specific theology is being discussed again?
Oh that’s right, all of those theological variants contradict themselves
in some way, shape and/or form.
In addition, what happened to McCain being the new “great white hope”
with an incorruptible family? Why not single out Cheney’s daughter for
being a lesbian? Oops, that is not a “here and now” “enemy to the
faith.” Oops, that “enemy to the faith” is on your side of the
political spectrum.
Version: (N/A)
Charset: utf-8
the bible says "god" like, created man and woman and everything and I’m totally into the Bible, since I'm a drone and all, so lke,
I'm so in tune with the Christian people of this country and what they’re thinking
ya know
we think that the gays are icky, cause like "god" said so what’s-the-big-deal
I mean why should they be able to get married?! Gays are icky!”
See, I can change words around too.
What gives you the right to define marriage for non-Christians everywhere? I mean, not everyone in America is Christian, so who the fuck are you to project your sentiments onto the rest of the country?
It happens to people across all political stripes. (I'm 35 and between the "established activist/leader" age and the "fabulous bright young thing" age, so I hope I don't get this way!) An organization or cause's leadership realizes everyone's getting old and everything's getting stale and there's nothing new getting done. So they want to bring in "the youth." An intrepid "youth" ventures that she might know what can attract more of her peers.
Unfortunately, if she suggests any change more substantial than brighter-colored brochures with teenspeak from five years ago, and perhaps a MySpace page, she is setting herself up. The "leaders" will get defensive. How dare she? What an ungrateful little bitch! She has *no idea* what's at stake and what's been done for her! She's fluffy and ignorant!
What sets this apart is that Porno Pete is only a self-appointed "leader" of a one-person "organization." He just loves to do "opposition research" at leather parties and after-parade adults-only parties, and he knows a *lot* about gay male porno and events. What he is seeing in Meghan and "Gen Y" is the likelihood that he'll have to get a real job one day and not have his porno and other research paid for by a bunch of fraidycats for Jesus.
I hope any teenager or college student interested in the "Day of Truth"--the counter to the Day of Silence that LaBarbera, among others, supports--sees this and realizes exactly what the fundies really think of them.
Oh, and I apologize for the length and the scare quotes, but I'm hittin' "Submit Comment" anyway.
Man I'd hate to be 24 around you, Pete. You got their number, alright.
Now go ahead and MAKE A DIFFERENCE by posting questions on your Facebook page.
"Later we’ll discuss why Meghan is not a good role model for young people insofar as her brand of “open-minded Christianity” has no basis in Scripture and jettisons the wisdom of the past."
Funny, that's a reason why she's a far better role model for young people than you are with your brand of closed-minded Christianity that has no basis in reality and jettisons love and tolerance.
The role model should be Jesus, a pretty open minded man, at least in that topic, where he was totally silent. If I were to follow the Old Testament, I would be Jew.
"we think if two people love each other
it’s like what’s-the-big-deal
I mean why shouldn’t they be able to get married?! That’s not fair!”
Your rebuttal, Mr. LaBarbera?
Homophobic, misogynistic, ageist, condescending... yep. But then if there's one thing a dogmatic shithead never wants to deal with, it's "ur doin it rong".
Marriage according to the bible:
Ms McCain seems to think that the fact that she's 24 makes her relevant as a spokesperson for Generation Y. There IS no timeless moral truth about the sanctity of marriage; it has changed umpteenth times in the last 20 000 years.
Nice theoretical pondering you put in Ms McCain's mouth, asshole! Even with you making her sound dimwitted, I'd chose her views over yours every time.
What insights on the morality of heterosexuality gives us the right to marry?
The change to the institution of marriage is so tiny, it definitely doesn't deserve to be called redefining. It's now seen as a legal contract between two consenting adults with the intent of living together indefinitely. Recently it was a legal contract between two consenting adult of opposite gender with the intent of living together indefinitely. In Biblical times it was a legal contract for a man who intended to take one or more females of undetermined age(s) as housemaid(s) and/or sex-slave(s) until he got bored of her/them.
"thousands of years of Biblical understanding"
Useless or harmful shit, take your pick. Nothing in that book that passes for wisdom or sense that didn't exist before the first Abrahamic scroll.
But tons of crap gone done since the books were collected.
> What new insights on the morality of homosexuality led you to contradict the thousands of years of Biblical understanding on this point?
We're not trying to fulfill a prophesy that called us to be as numerous as the stars in the sky, and the grains of sand on the shore.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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