Peter LaBarbera #fundie

Meghan McCain, the Senator’s daughter, seems to make much of the fact that she’s 24, as if that alone somehow validates her opinions, even on timeless moral truths like the sanctity of marriage. So I posted these questions to Meghan McCain on my Facebook page:

What gives your generation (Gen Y) the right to change God’s transcendent moral code by radically redefining the institution of marriage? What new insights on the morality of homosexuality led you to contradict the thousands of years of Biblical understanding on this point?

Later we’ll discuss why Meghan is not a good role model for young people insofar as her brand of “open-minded Christianity” has no basis in Scripture and jettisons the wisdom of the past. Here’s a theoretical pondering of Meghan on God’s created ordering of the sexes: “OK, God, I know you — like— created man and woman and everything and I’m totally into the Bible, but, ya know, since I’m 24 and I’m like — so in tune with the young people of this country and what they’re thinking — ya know — we think if two people love each other — it’s like — what’s-the-big-deal — I mean — why shouldn’t they be able to get married?! That’s not fair!”



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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