Robert Campbell #fundie

My people, black people of America, "have been totally destroyed( not all but most)."

In 6 years or less, our President has turned and entire nation, if not world, into a cesspool of evil. And unfortunately, Its been my people the blacks, leading the way. And leading them, are the Preachers, and false leaders like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Hillary Clinton etc. Not to mention the media giving it fuel.

It should be clear now, with the chain of events that have now taken place here in America, our President is not what he seems.

When the "Supreme Court" Handed down the decision to allow same sex marriage; "out of there own mouths they sealed the doom of America." And most blacks folks, (most but not all) fell right in sync with it.

Do you need to see evidence of that? "just look around." We as blacks lead the nation in abortion,(1800 daily), fathers out of the home,(80%), children out of wedlock 78%, and black on black crime. Oh, and lets not forget the ridiculous police shootings, and incidences, that led blacks to believe in their own twisted truths. Lets not talk about the riots, property destroyed and lives lost. I can go on and on, but the list is to long.

And all led by our President "Barack Obama."

He and his cronies, have turned this country into what he has always wanted all along.

A Socialistic Godless society.


How did this happen to us? Could part of this have started when, "Lyndon Baine Johnson" Our 36th. President of the United States, introduced the Welfare Act, some 50 years ago? Was it this bill that started the slow and meticulous destruction of the Afro-American?

This bill took care of the family, the bill fed you, it clothed you, it housed you.

One exception though, "no man must be in the home." That bill alone help start the decline of the black man. Or at least the black man we once knew. The one that went to work every day, and took care of his family, the one that fathered all his children from one women-his wife.

There is no more black family, it has been destroyed. It has been replaced by a new breed of black man, or so called.

This new breed of black man, does not believe in having a family, just having babies.

This new breed of black man, likes to look like a women, with its dreadlocks and earrings. with its pants hanging down low.

He won't even keep a job to support the many children he has fathered.

We now look at him as our modern day black man. "The new baby daddy."


One of the major sins we have committed is Abortion. We have killed 60 million babies in this country alone. That one sin alone, would be a hard one to forgive.

The other one, is turning our back on Israel. America has turned its back on Israel under this President.

And finally slapping God's hand, and telling Him, that a man and a women is not good enough.

We in America have achieved all three. America has turned its back on God. It is apparent that satan, is making you take sides.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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