Terra Rae #conspiracy in5d.com

Atlantis really gets people’s attention these days. It’s coming through our cellular memory now, to enable us to examine and heal our role in the downfall of what I personally believe was a magnificent continent and a highly advanced civilization. It is coming up for many reasons right now. Since Atlantis became highly advanced in technology and science, there were many people who felt that Lemuria, the incredibly beautiful, abundant civilization that was in the Pacific, was “lesser than” and backward compared to the scientifically advanced Atlantis.

We don’t have a lot of records of this large Lemuria continent, since it sank completely. We also don’t hear much about it because the “powers that were” (since I believe they are finally leaving, or being taken) have not wanted people to know what we knew then, and how we lived in harmony, grace and balance on Lemuria for ever so long. My work with clients and our “Team Earth” group explores many ancient past lives. Both Atlantis and Lemuria come up a lot these days. I believe this is because it is the same “dark hats” that took these magnificent continents down that are now still working for world domination. People are now ready to come clean in their role there. This is important, since many today hold the fear that we are going to destroy Earth again, which is coming right up from a cellular memory.

Since the Crystalline Stellar Skulls (CSS) are able to go right through the timelines as well as in and out of all dimensions, they can add even more information with our work for clients and “Team Earth” – so when we get to something destructive that was set up in one of those time frames, we are able to do great explorations with important intel as well as confirming our findings. We are also able to remove implants, curses and much more that were put in from the dark wizards in those timelines and others, that have been affecting both individuals, Gaia and the masses for eons.

The other important reason is that people lost their connection with Gaia, as well as the cycles of the Sun, Moon, Planets and Galaxy – and forgot how these cycles affect everything we do. In Lemuria, and long ago in Atlantis, people understood that everything in the Stars, Planets and Galaxy and their movement, comes around again and repeats itself, just as Lemuria did. Camelot and Avalon, were on the planet Avalon in the constellation of Lyra. The first Atlantis was on Mars, and are discussed in my book. Lemuria knew how to work with the cycles, and thus prepare and prevent disasters and bring the cycles into balance.

The dark hats, or dark side, or dark Lucifarian wizards, as I prefer to call them, decided that Lemuria was just too beautiful, abundant, harmonious and balanced. So once again they had to jump in with their deception, destruction, perversion, and the usual divide and conquer. They could then bring forth their dark wizardry to hypnotize, program, separate and of course control. They tried to convince the people of Lemuria that this way with the crystals were obsolete, since they really wanted this knowledge for themselves.

Since I have read and heard of many different timelines as to when Lemuria was created, and when it went down, I consulted the Stellar Skulls about the actual timelines of its creation and destruction, along with some of their input.

Timelines of the Creation and Destruction of Lemuria

Lemuria was its own creation of planetary beings that came from all over the Galaxy. They were like-minded beings that came to create a planet, and strive for harmonic resonance. Some came from the early planets in Lyra that were blown up. It was a bit on its own and then planets and stars came into existence around it.(This is where the first form in density started. It’s explained more in my book.) Mu as in “our” and “my” is an existence of heart-centered Light Beings and Master Creators that were their own rising and birthing. They birthed their own civilization here, much like the original Mu, and embraced it. So truth be told, Lemuria was created not from one constellation, and it created its own force field.

Sinking of Lemuria

CSS: Lemuria went down when we were unable to have complete control, and the dark wizards chose to eradicate our lovely Creation of Light. This was way before Atlantis. (I asked if any of this beautiful continent survived?)

There were indeed parts of Lemuria that stayed intact ~ yet forgotten on some level.

These pieces were able to rise up again. Some actually just floated to the top. The Lemuria islands rebuilt their communities and flourished until the final take down of Atlantis, and then the remaining pieces were taken out completely. There were no remaining pieces of Love and Light!

TR: It has been said that an earthquake and volcanoes just took it down. I feel strongly that these Luciferian wizards took down our Creation of Light. Can you tell us how they did it and when the first big take down was, that left us with a few islands?

CSS: The Pacific continent of Lemuria was first taken down prior to Atlantis, millions of years ago. It was a time that the dark wizards were looking for complete control, so alas, not just one can take full credit.

They used very advanced technology of an electromagnetic resonance, to hurl planets, asteroids and space objects, bulleted forward to our planet, aiming at Lemuria, our Creation of Light. They used anything that could obliterate and create a cosmic explosion.

TR: I believe the New Earth, or Terra Crysta, will have the balance of the technology and our connection to Gaia and how we are all so connected. We are all made of stardust, after all. (Or as astronomy legend Carl Sagan used to phrase it, “star stuff.”) Working with and understanding these cycles is what kept Lemuria in balance and thriving for a very long time. They had a huge crystal cluster computer that had all of this knowledge programmed within it. Everyone had their own crystal that could connect with the large cluster to access whatever knowledge they needed or wanted.

This is now coming up for people to pay attention to the level of technology that we are opening to. As the technology comes in, are we doing a big disconnect to Gaia once more? Technology can be fabulous when it is brought forth to serve the whole, and it is not destructive to people, the planet or the atmosphere.

Crystal Moon

Earth had a Crystal Moon in the atmosphere that held up the firmament, which was a three mile thick band of water. Crystal Moon regulated not only the temperate climate of Atlantis, but it also regulated the energy grids, right down to the atmosphere of every household. Marduk (the Anunnaki son of Enki, and grandson of Anu, past ruler of Nibiru) finally got onto Poseidon after so much convincing and promises to the priests, who were supposed to oversee this magnificent second moon.

In Atlantis, the high priests were in control of the giant crystals in the Temples. They were supposed to protect them, and keep the crystals’ amazing abilities safe. They bought into the ideas of power and control and started to manipulate the people as well. Some of the same dark hats, or dark wizards, wanted to have wars, which were not allowed. Marduk and his reptilian ways worked this idea for thousands of years, since he was one of the dark wizards that believed that Earth was his. He finally made his way to the grand Island of Poseidon where the beauty and technology were very amazing. It also held many of the giant Temple Crystals and the controls for Crystal Moon.

One of the priests actually brought Marduk up to the Crystal Moon to explore, which was really a power play. He was ready, and already had others working with him. They cut the electrical magnetic connection, which pulled Crystal Moon to Earth, where it exploded. This flipped Gaia on her axis, which created an internal flipping from the inside out, and sank Atlantis, Lemuria and Uriger, as well as the Sumerian and other civilizations. (Skulls said this actually flipped Earth back and forth on Her axis.) I have heard people say, “The destruction of Atlantis was in Divine Order.” I brought this up to Metatron, since it really bothered me, and he loudly and firmly stated that, “Divine Order is Divine Order – there was nothing Divine about the sinking of Atlantis and Lemuria!” He stated this with such force, I believe the heavens shook for a bit.

So-called Gods

This massive event wiped out millions of people and animals. Thirty-three species of mammals went extinct in North America alone. It was also when the frequency on Earth and in the people dropped from upper fourth and fifth dimensions to lower-octave 3D. We hadn’t been in 3D before. People lost their knowledge of the stars. In Lemuria, people knew we were all one, and all connected. Not only was this connection to each other lost, but people lost connection to Source and All that Is. The so-called Gods, who had become very dark, now became very powerful and even more controlling. They claimed to be Gods, since they could now control what was left of humanity and continue this control right up until now. People ever since, have been warring and fighting each other, with help from the Gods, and “in the name of God.” These dark Gods and their dark followers, live off of the louche. This is the fear, horror, terror, fighting and all of the emotions that come up with these, that the dark hats feed off of, since it sustains them. As you look around Earth, you can see that this is how it has been for a very long time.

CSS: Actually, for around 13,375 years, when Atlantis and Lemuria went down.

Metatron (through Crysta): It is always longer what has been perceived to be the case. This figure is closer to the actual time frame.

TR: As people move into their hearts, and the Heart of Gaia, they are raising their frequencies. This means that every cell is vibrating faster. This brings expansion and openings into the higher dimensions – once again. It also brings up what needs to be cleared in the emotional body, which is essential for Ascension. People also lost their connection to Gaia Herself. I rarely see people connecting to the Heart of Gaia. Doing this is crucial now – since She will ground, protect, energize and calm both our physical and our Light Bodies. To relax you even more, know that the Galactic Federation of Light is on duty at all times to stop or redirect the asteroids, comets and star materiel that moves in Earth’s direction.

Grounding to the Heart of Gaia

Here’s an easy and quick way to do this for yourself. Close your eyes, breathe in a Magenta Ray into your heart with three deep breaths. Now, shoot your heart-light right down through your body and out of your feet, to the very lively Heart of Gaia.

With three more deep breaths, bring another ray from Her heart – right up through your feet to fill your own heart. Feel how delicious this is – and wonderfully grounding. It also will center and strengthen you as well. Do it a lot, and be sure to thank and acknowledge Gaia. She feels this connection. This includes talking to Her as well. Don’t be surprised if a wind, a cloud, a bird or critter shows up just then, since she can hear you and feel you.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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