Oh brother...
Let me be as brutally honest as I can: so many field of science have confirmed the soundness of Darwin's (and Alfred Russel Wallace's) insight -- genetics and DNA research, to name just two related fields Darwin couldn't possibly have imagined -- that this is pretty much the way things happened.
Why can't you unimaginative loonies understand that you're actually insulting your Creator by insisting on a static creation? You liken God's work with human creations, with the dynamic, diverse kaleidoscope of life manifested in Creation, which can and does get better with time... ALL BY ITSELF. In comparison, our creations cannot possibly change and evolve WITHOUT OUTSIDE INTERVENTION to be better suited to their environment -- to get a better car, you can't just wait until your present model improves: you have to either install better parts (outside intervention) or buy a new one. Leave a first-generation Honda Civic in a field a few decades; will it turn into an Insight hybrid or rust away? Leave an acorn besides it. Will it have similarly rotten (provided no squirrel has snatched it, of course)?
That's the crucial difference between God's creative powers and our puny powers. He embedded within his Creation the very rules that allows it to grow and change with time, with an unimaginably elegant language composed of merely four letters: DNA. By insisting he couldn't possibly have done it this way, you limit his creative powers (aren't they infinite?) and so commit the cardinal sin of pride. Be careful!
As you can see, one can both believe in God and recognize the reality of evolution.
I just had to get that off my chest, as I've had it with these tired and thorouhgly refuted arguments against evolution. Furthermore, evolutionary theory as the Antichrist is a new twist, one that ignores Revelation as well... That's a double FAIL for you!