[On infants dying of horrendous, torturous birth defects]
Chew on this.
Innocent child is brought into this world! This child is terminally ill and will not survive. This child has not yet had the oppurtunity to sin or lead a sinfull life whatsoever.
Thusfare, the child dies (in wordly fashion) and goes to GOD's kingdom.
Meaning no life of sin, but an eternity of eternal and everlasting life!
So.... we should allow children's to die of birth defects? Guess we shouldn't help mom's give birth, then because God will decide if they die or not, and if they do, they go to heaven! :D
Just trying to make sense of this is all.
This child has not yet had the oppurtunity to sin or lead a sinfull life whatsoever.
Thusfare, the child dies (in wordly fashion) and goes to GOD's kingdom.
But if abortion is 'killing a baby ', then isn't it the same scenario as above? The 'baby' goes to heaven?
Also: thusfare? THUSFARE? What the fuck?
"Innocent child?" What sort of mental gymnastics does it take to square the concept of an "innocent child" with the concept of Original Sin? Babies are born sinners because they inherited it from Adam. If they die in infancy, they never had the opportunity to profess faith in Christ and ask for forgiveness.
You lose embodiment777.
"All your dead babies are belong to us." -Denizens of Hell.
but we're all BORN in sin - that's your theology, you live with it.
According to Xians:
Until babtised a child is damned.
According to fundies:
until in a personal relationship with Jesus, everyone is damned.
Go figure the logic
Man, between crippling and fatal birth defects, original sin, requiring a conscious choice to accept Jesus before salvation, and the possibility that being born might actually KILL their mother creating a sin, this hypothetical kid was damned before, after, and even during birth. Abortion issues aside is everyone just born to be God's little bitch?
And here i was, thinking that we are born sinful. Everyone of us. I mean, after "the Fall"-thingie, you know?
read your bible. Man is born in a state of original sin. He can only be saved by accepting Jesus. An infant can not do that so if they die before baptism they are going to eternal torment in hell.
Some believe that if the child is born dead and did not take a breath then it has no soul and then it doesnt go anywhere, its just dead having never lived.
“Chew on this.
Innocent child is brought into this world! This child is terminally ill and will not survive. This child has not yet had the oppurtunity to sin or lead a sinfull life whatsoever.”
Um, aren’t we ALL born ‘sinners?’ I do remember that part clearly.
None are innocent.
But still, my moral system is to reduce suffering whenever possible.
If the kid’s not going to live long enough to get saved and avoid Hell, why not abort and end it before they take their first breath and become ‘alive’?
“Thusfare, the child dies (in wordly fashion) and goes to GOD's kingdom.”
Nothing in the Bible supports this. In fact, Paul didn’t want Christains having kids because the 2nd Coming was imminent, and not all kids would make it into heaven.
“Meaning no life of sin, but an eternity of eternal and everlasting life!”
No. The only way into eternal life, we’re told, is through accepting Jesus. Infants don’t.
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