Hubert Collins #racist

Five Foreign Films for American White Advocates

American Renaissance has always covered the issues from a global perspective, because white survival is a global matter. Therefore, there are lessons for us not just in foreign news stories, but in foreign art too. Here are five excellent international films for white Americans.

City of God (Brazil)

Sometimes referred to as “another America,” Brazil is, like the US, a violent multi-racial democracy in the New World. City of God mercilessly depicts the barbarous chaos of South America’s biggest country. It’s a warning. Available from YouTube.

Princess Mononoke (Japan)

This film is one of the best dramatizations of the eternal conflict between “progress” and natural order. Its absence from every movie list put out by Conservatism Inc. is a reminder not only of their lack of imagination, but that their worship of free enterprise puts them on the side of this movie’s villains, not the protectors of the old Gods. Available from YouTube.

Die Nibelungen (Germany)

Although Metropolis is better known, Die Nibelungen is Fritz Lang’s masterpiece. It is a sprawling epic drawn from classic European folklore and myths, and a reminder that silent films are still as watchable as ever. Available from Kino Lorber.

Brazil (UK)

There are a number of worthwhile films about totalitarianism (e.g. Alphaville, THX 1138, Gattaca, The Lives of Others), but 35 years after its release, Brazil is still the best. It has all the necessary ingredients: realism and fantasy, humor and emotion, violence and drama. Available from the Criterion Collection.

Uncle Kruger (Germany)

This is a Third Reich production, so it’s no surprise that you can’t find it on YouTube. The film is about the wise but doomed South African President Paul Kruger as he takes on the British Empire during the lead up to the Second Boer War and during the the struggle itself. Uncle Kruger never mentions Jews, has no beaming crowds of Germans or long pans across fascistic architecture. Stylistically, it’s like a Classic Hollywood epic, but it’s about an often neglected story of white fratricide. Available from International Historic Films.



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