Patrick O'Carroll #conspiracy #racist #wingnut

Many great historians, such Professor Carroll Quigley, Professor Antony Sutton, and Fritz Springmeier, proved beyond all doubt that WW2 WAS THE SINGLE MOST CONTROLLED "CONFLICT" IN HUMAN HISTORY. And Switzerland played a key role in that rigged "conflict".
One of the top tasks that the "Illuminati" assigned to Allen Welsh Dulles was to oversee the theft of bullion, art and other loot from NSDAP-occupied countries and regions, which the NSDAP plundered for their "Illuminati" bosses. The final transfer stage for the swag was the 20 km trip from Lörrach-Baden in Germany to the BIS headquarters at CentralPlatz 2, Basel, Switzerland, where NSDAP officials passed it to their "Illuminati" bosses, who then conveyed it to storage points in Switzerland, London and NYC. Most of the profits and gains the "Illuminati" bloodlines wrought from WW2 were bunkered in NYC because Pax Americana was about to start in 1945.
The "Illuminati" granted Hitler, and most of the NSDAP, their freedom in gratitude for having totally smashed Germany on their behalf and for helping them to perpetrate the German Holocaust in which the Zionist powers (US, GB, RU, FR) genocided 39 million German Christian Civilians in 1914-55. CIA insider John Lear revealed that Hitler, who was a very enthusiastic Zionist, died in 1968 at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester MN.

The main train-station in Bern still has a SECRET PLATFORM (Platform 11 not accessible to the public) that has always been used to load and unload bullion, diamonds and other loot that the "Illuminati" still store in massive deep-underground facilities in the Swiss Alps, notably in the cantons Bern, Valais, and Grisons-Graubünden. By a "terrific" "coincidence", Davos, St Moritz, and Klosters are all located in Grisons-Graubünden. The INFORMATION DESK at Bern station will confirm that Platform 11 exists but that it is "not used for normal train services".



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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